Hoarding items and crystals

I read somewhere that increasing the gold in the gold crystals was to incentivize people to stop hoarding. I think it’s good because I like to open crystals and not hoard.

What the trade in store has taught me is that I should have hoarded my items. I’m 1 generic 5* awakening gems away from a 6* gem and I’ve wasted several 5* awakening gems this year on champs I never use


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    They clarified on this. The issue isn't with people having hoards of one particular Crystal. It's the number of different Crystal types that are backing up the server.
  • SnakepSnakep Member Posts: 362 ★★★

    I read somewhere that increasing the gold in the gold crystals was to incentivize people to stop hoarding. I think it’s good because I like to open crystals and not hoard.

    What the trade in store has taught me is that I should have hoarded my items. I’m 1 generic 5* awakening gems away from a 6* gem and I’ve wasted several 5* awakening gems this year on champs I never use

    Trade in 3* gems to get 4* ones, trade in 4* ones to get 5* gems then hopefully you will get what you need. But yes, these events do seem to favor people that hoard more than those that do not
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 511 ★★★

    What the trade in store has taught me is that I should have hoarded my items. I’m 1 generic 5* awakening gems away from a 6* gem and I’ve wasted several 5* awakening gems this year on champs I never use

    Why “waste” AGs on someone you never use?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Yet we have the inventory cap at 25 potions or so, all in one single slot. And we have to have the other hundreds of potions in the stash across hundreds of slots.

    Don't know for sure about it, but it might be backing up the server that way. Just increase the single slot on our inventory to 500 potions and it should be fine. Also do the same for revives and catalysts and it will be even better
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    Any chance we can get a 5 star generic crystal? Seems a lot of us are 1 away from the 6 stars. No rush but keep in mind the store has a timer. Pretty please? I've been a good boy... its Christmas...
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 ★★★
    It should've been 2 or 3 5*generic at most for a single 6 star random gem. 5 generics is just the most BS thing happened in years. They weren't even giving them for the past couple of months. I guess now we know why. Hoard people HOAAAARD and take the servers down with your items, for the next year trade in store. LOL :smiley:
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Same. Hard pill to swallow. And here I was thinking I was doing my part to alleviate some pressure off of the servers. Never doing that again... EVER.
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    Fr I'm finna hoard everything now
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I’ll post my thoughts here too as it’s relevant

    Another thing that this makes me think is this: Kabam said in their gold boost announcement that "we want to encourage Players to stop hoarding their Crystals throughout the year waiting for these boosts, and open their Crystals whenever they need them."

    Now maybe they just meant that about gold crystals, however I read that to mean in general. They want us to not hoard as much. But we have now had 2 events that incredibly, massively and totally benefit hoarders. Deadpool's gold store, and now this trade up.

    So I'm not saying get rid of them, or they were a mistake, on the contrary they were absolutely fantastic events if you had enough resources. But all this does, is it says "If you want to be prepared for these sorts of offers, hoard all your materials because it could be gold today, or gems tomorrow. Or maybe next time it'll be ISO." Holding offers with unusual resources as the currency promotes holding onto as much of different items as you possibly can just in case the next huge store uses Arena Boosts to get a champion selector.

    Kabam saying we don't want you to hoard, but here's a great event that you'll likely only be able to benefit from if you hoard is like them throwing a coin up and yelling heads and tails.
  • PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Member Posts: 471 ★★★

    I read somewhere that increasing the gold in the gold crystals was to incentivize people to stop hoarding. I think it’s good because I like to open crystals and not hoard.

    What the trade in store has taught me is that I should have hoarded my items. I’m 1 generic 5* awakening gems away from a 6* gem and I’ve wasted several 5* awakening gems this year on champs I never use

    I’m also 1 5*generic away from getting the 6* and I’ve already maxed out my trade ins. I’m hoping to be able to earn another genetic this week. Any ideas on how to do this?
  • KILLMФИGЕЯKILLMФИGЕЯ Member Posts: 122 ★★
    Kabam: stop hoarding, it’s not good for the game.
    Also kabam: let us reward the hoarders with 6* gems
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