What’s the point?

I have an account that was banned! I’ve submitted tickets the appropriate way and have no resolution. Basically told to not cheat, and oh by the way we won’t tell you what you did, but don’t do it again!
Now my post asking for help or clarification are being deleted and marked spam.

Can no one actually help? Is there not one person to actual help me figure out what I did wrong?


  • BigDogEvilBigDogEvil Member Posts: 18
    Everyone makes mistakes. If I have then tell me how or what so I don’t do them again. I love this game and am an avid player/spender. I don’t want my accounts banned. I wanna use them in accordance to the terms. Help me fix this!
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Dont cheat
  • BigDogEvilBigDogEvil Member Posts: 18
    I mean come on! I’d swear I haven’t! I play loyally for over 3 years. When bugs or issues are reported I purposefully don’t do that content because of kabams history with banning players.
    I’ve not done anything wrong. At least not that I’m aware of. That’s the issue, I don’t want my other accounts banned either!
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Kabam doesmt ban for doing content...
    Look man they will take down this post soon.
    All i can tell u is that if they banned u they had their reasons. If u played war u probably caused a docking of points and punished your alliance too.
    Begging in the forums wont fix it
  • BigDogEvilBigDogEvil Member Posts: 18
    But I didn’t.
    That’s the thing. I play by the book non stop. It has to be a mistake.
    There’s not one thing I did. I pay for sigil and unit card, I don’t talk negatively about the company, and I lead the alliance. This is just crazy.
    If I thought I did anything and I mean anything wrong I’d shut up and take the ban. But I didn’t.
    Now I’m missing out on the best events of the year that I wait for.
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