Confused about which champion to r5 to help me reach cavalier

itzShadow420itzShadow420 Member Posts: 28
edited December 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I know hercules has very high damage, but im not sure if he will be helpful in becoming cav since ik there are a lot of nodes which are very annoying without immunities so if u guys choose him can u give me some reason why he is helpful since he doesnt have immortality rn

P.S - no suicides.

Confused about which champion to r5 to help me reach cavalier 80 votes

Guillotine 2099(unawakened)
UnsilentGinjabredMonstaodishika123DracarusBuggyDClownNaz_786luka777777 7 votes
Lightburn22Terrarnr87QuikPikWicket329AdvMalreck04Cap366JuggerNotEtjamate_dua_shumEwell65SSS69MaratoxAMS94Thoye3PastorAmericaIronGladiator22awesomesauceBe_SomebodySoyheyor123 47 votes
heruheru511Brokenrcm2017MysterioRockyshockyHera1d_of_Ga1actusLucifer_666Heroesforhire18_RenaxqqMCOCHazzaLpooCarter22HoitadoRiptideTenukeringorpimeS 16 votes
ShaggyMOshEbAICSCupidtfdrp2Charlie21540ŘïdđhįmGr8TonyStarkDeepworldWasy1Khalejandrogon 10 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    If everyone is r4 then go warlock otherwise r4 herc
    R4 warlock can easily defeat crossbones
    R4 herc will help you against sentinel

    If I remeber correctly it's tough to rotate specials in that fight due to some node combination with hurt locker
    Without his special rotations Herc will be just worthless
    Fr that particular fight someone with guaranteed frits would be better
    But overall I agree that Warlock will help him the most in becoming Cavalier
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,693 ★★★★★
    As a general rule, I’ve found that it is best to prioritize utility rank ups over damage rank ups. By that I mean if you have Champ A, who has decent damage and is a utility machine like Warlock, and Champ B, who has decent utility but is a monster damage dealer like Hercules, it is best to prioritize the utility champion. It makes them more practical so that you can get the most out of their utility. Meanwhile, the damage champion will probably still be keeping pace with your ranked up utility champion in terms of damage output.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    As a general rule, I’ve found that it is best to prioritize utility rank ups over damage rank ups. By that I mean if you have Champ A, who has decent damage and is a utility machine like Warlock, and Champ B, who has decent utility but is a monster damage dealer like Hercules, it is best to prioritize the utility champion. It makes them more practical so that you can get the most out of their utility. Meanwhile, the damage champion will probably still be keeping pace with your ranked up utility champion in terms of damage output.

    Aye aye.
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    On my alt account I pretty much leaned on 5/65 warlock and aegon to get cavalier. I didn't really build the account up but got super lucky on those pulls and rest was a cake walk
  • AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Not only Cavalier but also much of act 6. He’ll be able to beat Mr. Sinister as well if you have Heimdall Hela/Angela synergy
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    I dont have Hercules so I can't say. Go with the immunities and the heal blocker.

    Guilly 2099 wrecks content for me so it was close but act 6 chapter 1 has a few nodes that arent kind to her. (6.1.2 and 6.1.5) but shes a beast no doubt
  • Lucifer_666Lucifer_666 Member Posts: 46
    Use the trade in store if you can to get an awakening gem and give it to hercules, I explored all paths mostly with him and I got him just recently but if you cannot awaken him then I'll probably suggest to go for corvus!
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    If everyone is r4 then go warlock otherwise r4 herc
    R4 warlock can easily defeat crossbones
    R4 herc will help you against sentinel

    If I remeber correctly it's tough to rotate specials in that fight due to some node combination with hurt locker
    Without his special rotations Herc will be just worthless
    Fr that particular fight someone with guaranteed frits would be better
    But overall I agree that Warlock will help him the most in becoming Cavalier
    That is wrong. All you need is intercepts and heavy attacks, and once he's ramped up he deals a TON of damage on basic hits, even more if you keep up the intercepts and heavy attacks.
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Warlock is THE ONLY reason I achieved Cavalier. He dealt with all Act 6 bosses except for Ultron.
  • itzShadow420itzShadow420 Member Posts: 28

    If everyone is r4 then go warlock otherwise r4 herc
    R4 warlock can easily defeat crossbones
    R4 herc will help you against sentinel

    currently the r5 which i have are doom, kingpin, venom, void(sig176), so basically ill be taking my hercules to r5 after warlock after seeing the results.
  • itzShadow420itzShadow420 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks a lot for the help and advice guys.
  • itzShadow420itzShadow420 Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2021
    Wicket329 said:

    As a general rule, I’ve found that it is best to prioritize utility rank ups over damage rank ups. By that I mean if you have Champ A, who has decent damage and is a utility machine like Warlock, and Champ B, who has decent utility but is a monster damage dealer like Hercules, it is best to prioritize the utility champion. It makes them more practical so that you can get the most out of their utility. Meanwhile, the damage champion will probably still be keeping pace with your ranked up utility champion in terms of damage output.

    Lowkey same, i prefer utility over damage, as long as a champion gives me higher chance to not take damage or makes the fight way less annoying im vibing with it especially since i dont mind long fights as long as i dont loose much health.Thats why i r5ed my kingpin, his survivability is op with willpower, so satisfying xd.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    AMS94 said:

    If everyone is r4 then go warlock otherwise r4 herc
    R4 warlock can easily defeat crossbones
    R4 herc will help you against sentinel

    If I remeber correctly it's tough to rotate specials in that fight due to some node combination with hurt locker
    Without his special rotations Herc will be just worthless
    Fr that particular fight someone with guaranteed frits would be better
    But overall I agree that Warlock will help him the most in becoming Cavalier
    That is wrong. All you need is intercepts and heavy attacks, and once he's ramped up he deals a TON of damage on basic hits, even more if you keep up the intercepts and heavy attacks.
    It ws only in respect of that particular fight
    Herc cn solo that fight I know but it's gonna be long
    Also it's not as easy to punish sentinels heavy with ur heavy but once in the rhythm it cn be done consistently
    He not only gains crit resistance but also lots of armor which will further reduce Herc's base hit damage
    I have a R5 Herc so I'm familiar with his damage
    On that fight he'll be doing about 2500-3000 mediums & about 1500-1800 lights, including the red numbers at 12 charges, & that is after being generous about it bcoz it cn be even lower than that
    And there won't be a single crit throughout the fight except fr first 20-30 seconds
    It cn be done but I think it'll be close to 200 hits at best
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    @AMS94 six star r2(slightly stronger than 5r5) no boosts, suicides, and hawkeye synergy(Also wasp gives 130 armor rating). You're highly underestimating what he can do if you genuinely thought it would take 200 hits.

    And yeah I know the gameplay is pretty bad, I wasn't paying enough attention to sentinel's power.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    @AMS94 six star r2(slightly stronger than 5r5) no boosts, suicides, and hawkeye synergy(Also wasp gives 130 armor rating). You're highly underestimating what he can do if you genuinely thought it would take 200 hits.

    And yeah I know the gameplay is pretty bad, I wasn't paying enough attention to sentinel's power.

    Dude u played like an experienced player would play that fight with Herc while also ensuring he doesn't gain a lot of analysis charges
    I assumed since Shadow isn't even Cav yet he probably won't have suicides on, will not be able to bring any synergies & won't be going fr a lots of intercepts, while also not being able to throw specials & doing at least 4-5 hit combos which will build analysis faster
    While I forgot that Sentinel takes twice as long to gain analysis against Cosmics so yeah it'll definitely not be 200....I missed hard on that aspect of this match-up since I almost never use Cosmics against Sentinel
    But considering his Hercules will be doing about 80-85% less damage than urs, it's safe to assume it'll take him around 90-110 hits even if he plays like u, provided he doesn't have suicides on
    Though he cn cover some of the gap through boosts
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Definitely, without suicides and 5r4 it will take more time and maybe one or two revives for someone doing it for the first time, but my point is that herc is a very good option for the fight.
  • PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Member Posts: 471 ★★★
    Don’t sleep on Corvus. He was huge in getting me to Cav. But I also didn’t have a Warlock at the time…
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