Og hulk buff concept

There are definitely a few champs in the contest that are going to be buffed eventually anyways, and hulk might even get buffed next month. This is just a fun buff concept for hulk…and also (view horizontally).

Abilities: Signature ability: Synergies:
Intimidate Hulk gains +2%—+10%attack Bugs in the contest:
Stun rating for Every 5% health lost. (All Hulks) immune to the
Regeneration effects of evade and miss
Poison immunity

……synergy bonuses
Fear me!!!!
Abomination classic: deals 30% more damage on poisons
Hulk classic: power rate increased by 30%

Intimidate charges: (passive)
Hulk has an intimidate charge meter which is capped at 200. Intimidate charges grant hulk:
+1% attack rating for each charge
Regeneration buffs for every 10 charges gained (2% of max health).
Immune to all debuffs for 40 seconds when reaching max intimidate charges.
If hulk gains max charges he keeps them for 10 seconds and then loses 5 charges per second for every 10 seconds.(acts like a cool down)

Hulk has various sources to gain charges:
Heavy attack—+5 charges
All basic combos that include a medium attack—+5 charges.
Sp1–+20 charges
Sp2–+60 charges
Sp3–max charges for 10 seconds then deteriorate 5 charges per second for 10 seconds.
hulk cannot heal from this.

Hulk Carries on intimidate charges as persistent charges to next fight. Max carry limit 150 charges.

Special 1: no animation change
Increase attack rating by 20% for 10 seconds.
Gain charges

Special 2: new animation where hulk follows up with the thunderclap with a roar then a punch.
Increase attack rating by 40% for 20 seconds
Gain charges
Inflict a strong bleed

Special 3: no animation change
Hulk gains attack rating based on the amount of intimidate charges he has currently. ( all attack rating buffs are stacked )
Gain charges

This is obviously some hurried work hope you liked it! I love reading comments 😁


  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    Any evidence that Hulk might get buffed next month? I’d love to see that.
  • StoicStoic Member Posts: 3
    I like the idea of a hulk buff and I like your ideas sidghh. Here are my ideas for a buff;

    Hulk Buff
    They could keep a lot of his current kit as is. Leaving his special attacks abilities as they are as well as leaving the animation of the character the same. I don’t like how in the current build you only get a little tine bit stronger by taking damage. In the comics and movies hulk is a ramp up champ, the longer a fight goes the madder and stronger he gets. Take away his below 25% ability I want to be able to make him stronger as I play him and keep him healthy.

    Hulk Smash! We all know the longer a fight goes the angrier hulk gets. Every 10 seconds gain a passive fury increasing attack by 12% with a max stack of 10. Hulk cannot land critical hits instead all would be critical hits are fury instead.

    Hulks gama radiation allows him to shrug off debuffs 70% faster. Hulk passively regenerates 50 HP every second, this can’t be reversed by any means, but can be heal blocked.

    Hulk Rage passives; Hulk gains 1 hulk rage when blocking a hit, receiving a hit and performing a well timed block. After the first 20 hulk rages convert them to a persistent charge and reset to 0. Each additional 20 hulk rage converts to a passive Hulk rage increasing attack rating by 175 and are capped at 20.

    Additionally hulk is angered by receiving a debuff and gains 1 fury buff lasting 6 second for each new unique debuff increasing attack by 750. Unique debuff cooldown 10 seconds.

    Persistent charges.
    Hulk gains a hulk rage persistent charge for defeating enemies, or by completing an avengers protocol. each hulk rage increases critical rating by 1500. Max stack 10

    Avengers protocols;
    Intercept opponents 3 times - 1 charge, 1 per fight
    Knock down opponents 3 times - 1 charge, 1 per fight
    Stun opponent 10 times - 1 charge, 1 per fight
    Knock out an opponent - 1 charge
    Knock out a villain - 1 charge

    *Based on 5* rank 5, sig 200
    *Passive furies do not effect special attack abilities.
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