
Why are we still getting useless war comp when the season is over till after new years? and why are we getting that crappy war comp in the first place? We should be getting normal health/revives and energy refills because that’s where bugs are affecting people the most. Or at least give glory with the AQ rewards. How the comp has gone down has really been a disappointment.
The Comps are sent so you can finish AQ for your glory btw. Hope that helps
compensationplayer assistance package during the off season and many alliances do fight war in the off season. Especially, I would think, the high tier alliances that are gearing up and preparing for season 31 which is going to launch a whole new meta.The devs were originally giving glory in the assistance package, but they discontinued that probably because they datamined that in fact most alliances were not earning any less glory than before. There were people actually complaining that they couldn't even use all the glory they were getting, and while such complaints shouldn't be taken as representative of the community as a whole, it was a sign that far from alliances suffering from the bugs, they were probably doing overall just as good as before when you factored in the large amounts of AQ potions all alliances were getting. I'm actually worried alliances have gotten hooked on those and won't know how to do AQ without them when they discontinue, actually. But if everyone is earning the same amount of glory or more than before, at least on average, there's no justification for dumping huge amounts of glory into the assistance package when overall alliances were not losing glory.
Non-alliance stuff has been more intermittent, and I suspect the reason is because solo content follows more of a monthly cycle while AQ follows a more weekly cycle and AW is more of an "every war matters" to the alliances that do war. Which means for the alliances running war, they are running it more continuously. Ditto AQ. But solo content is not something players can run at the same intensity continuously, because there's literally not enough of it to fill an entire month. So the devs are watching solo content on a more monthly basis, and deciding on solo compensation based on those monthly data reviews.