Science Rank Up Help

ChiefMufasaChiefMufasa Member Posts: 12
I’ve been watching videos and I see that She-Hulk is basically OP with larger opponents. Spider-Gwen can corner and spam heavy opponents into oblivion. Immortal Hulk dmg is great and he has the regen. Let me know if I missed anything and thank you in advance.

Science Rank Up Help 7 votes

R5 5* She-Hulk (Duped)
EtjamaTheExit27 2 votes
R2 6* Immortal Hulk (Unduped)
JuggerNotEwell65SSS69RenaxqqScrubhanBarani7da 5 votes
R2 6* Spider-Gwen (Unduped)
Wait for a another Science Champ
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