Ranking to r3 is a fraud !

Can some one explain me why does my heroes stats and prestige goes down when i rank 3 them? I have 3 r3 and with every single 1 i hâd the same issue , stats goimg down after rankup, i decide to keep track with my next r3 (cmm) and this is what happened, i had to fill 12 lvl into r3 cmm to reach the same stats as a lvl max r2... 12 lvl for nothing, the gold the iso , this is just a big fraud from kabam , i also have a video when ranking her up showing prestige and stats fall, masteries before and after rankup are the same . I really need some explinations

Hey “Summoner”, rest assured, this is an intentional aspect of the game. We implemented it to encourage players to Level Up their Champions after reaching a higher Rank. While in some cases, there can be an initial decrease in the Champion's attributes, they can then be Levelled Up to make them much more powerful than was possible at a lower Rank.
If those 12 levels where not a "catch up" leveling, a maxed out rank 3 6* would be the equivalent of a 3/57 (12 + 45)
But as it is now, it's really a 3/33 (45-12).
It's like saying: "you've got what it takes to go to the next level, we see that, off you go, take that promotion. But wait a minute, just show us that you're really committed then you'll be on the next level"
It's odd, but again, I don't care much for the real impact of it, I max out my R3 anyway.
This whole thread is just silly to start with. MCOC didn't invent this system as it exists everywhere. Who care what happened between ranks, you have to be at max level for the next rank anyway so no point in leaving them at weird levels. Just take them max level and on to the next rank up.
This reply isn't pointed at your comment specifically except the first sentence.