.... if your alliance isn’t a place you can trade or don’t trust each other then it’s a wrong alliance home for your account. Just move to new one next time and stay there and get to know each other to build trust.
Some players have been playing with friends for years that they obvs trust but the friends just want milestones or r not gifting this year. We all have different situations and some find it hard to find people to trade with and r never going to change alli for it. This thread is helpful for some and seems to b legit so far.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone of y'all would be able to gift greater gifting crystals to me for free cause like i cant even open 1 ggc. My username is aryanmittt . Plz your donation would make me really happy!
Anyone still up for ggc trade? I can do 6.. one at a time.. Ign DarkMist Legacy, im one of the earlier traders here (see first page)..
If you want i can trade with you 3 ggcs in 16 hours because that’s when i unlock alliance milestones. Id:Albertel Send me an invite and we can talk later.
Send me an invite and we can talk later.
As such, looking to exchange up to 12 GGC’s.
Anyone who is already confirmed as a good trader here in this thread I’m willing to go first. Anyone else I’ll ask you to go first.
Only going to be on sporadically for the rest of the day given it is Xmas. Will be on more tomorrow and Monday.
IGN: Oakenshield of the North~1
I added you, in 1:30 h i can trade with you 3 ggcs and i can go first, ign Albertel