Kabam we need a serious talk

What have u done to global ever since gifting came out . everyone's just getting bribed and filling the whole and I mean whole global chat
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Sry about the terrible scribble
I realised what mental peace felt like, once I turned off global chat. There are a lot of freeloaders there. Simply not worth it spending time on it.
Some form of friendship level, like friends since x number of days, would help in reducing this risk but it's a big mechanic that kabam will need to figure out and introduce. Many might say that such form will not help for their alt accounts but it wouldn't really be an issue with alt accounts if you keep it friended from the start.
I am in an alliance that communicates through line. During gifting, i thoroughly enjoy global for the absolute insanity of people trying to Gardner trades and then getting scammed. Brings me joy.
If this annoys you, just turn global off. Otherwise know, this is global (que that spartan meme lol)