Can you report someone for scamming players for greater gifting crystals?

Hi all. Basically this; there are people on the pub chat offering to trade people 1 for 1 greater gifting crystals, then once you send them the crystal, they don't send you something in return and remove/block you. I know people who aren't in money spending alliances probably spend actual money on the crystals hoping to trade someone, then people like this just turn around and screw them over.
1 and only rule of gifting (and a life rule) - don’t enter into a transaction with a complete stranger and expect something back.
Otherwise like others said, there's no official Kabamish method of reporting them since I don't think it is not really a a violation of ToS
That was the only time I ever made tht mistake lol. But ya generally speaking it’s a bad idea to trade with strangers or global and expect something back.
The only way you could argue legal fraud is if someone tried to induce someone to explicitly spend cash to buy units to gift on the promise of some return. This must be explicit: you can't just say that I spent money on units, so anyone who cheats me out of units has cheated me out of cash. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work (it hasn't worked in other analogous legal situations - for example players who were banned from games claiming illegal seizure of their property).
This is colloquial fraud, and it is scummy, but I don't believe it is a crime and I do not believe it directly violates any terms of service. Gift only to people you want to give gifts to, and if you get something back in return cool.