Baby account progression

Hello all, signed into my baby account today, saw I had 10 large energy refills expiring and decided to power thru act five. I had been putting this off due to the annoying damage reduction in 5.3 (not a large spread of classes). I was on 5.3.3, finished it right up and cleared the rest of 5.3. After that I was like may as well go all the way (I had 25 lvl five pots from earlier compensation and 15 lvl 2 revives) so I cleared the rest of act five with relative ease. The biggest unit spend was the 5.3 spider gwen with permanent 1% regen. Doom was unreliable due to evade, guilly kept taking too much bane and block damage (forgot to ramp her up) and finally powered thru with aegon. Cleared it all with ease due to my champs. My team was:
4* 5/50 doom
6* r1 lvl 16 prof x
4* 4/40 aegon
4* 4/40 guilly 99
4* 4/40 red mags
And for one quest in 5.4 (One with rhulk and magik when you go left) used 4* 4/40 ghost and 5* r1 wasp.
My roster is mad blessed so paired with my relatively good knowledge of act five I cleared it, mags putting in work on that ultron boss. With the shards I picked up a featured crystal as a treat and got

Peni will pair beautifully with my 5*r2 mysterio.
From the basic I duped blade, not sure if I’m going to commit to him as I have an unawakened nf.

Anyways, felt pretty good to knock that out. Atm the five star roster isn’t quite big/ranked enough to take on 6.1 but I’m planning to clear some act four for xp, hit the variants and then with a combo of gold and gems rank some champs.
4* 5/50 doom
6* r1 lvl 16 prof x
4* 4/40 aegon
4* 4/40 guilly 99
4* 4/40 red mags
And for one quest in 5.4 (One with rhulk and magik when you go left) used 4* 4/40 ghost and 5* r1 wasp.
My roster is mad blessed so paired with my relatively good knowledge of act five I cleared it, mags putting in work on that ultron boss. With the shards I picked up a featured crystal as a treat and got

Peni will pair beautifully with my 5*r2 mysterio.
From the basic I duped blade, not sure if I’m going to commit to him as I have an unawakened nf.

Anyways, felt pretty good to knock that out. Atm the five star roster isn’t quite big/ranked enough to take on 6.1 but I’m planning to clear some act four for xp, hit the variants and then with a combo of gold and gems rank some champs.