R3 Apoco or R3 Dragon Man

DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★
edited December 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I am running suicides, i usually like to play Kitty Pride (Dragon man has a very nice synergy with her), i have a r5 Apoco already (the 6 star is level r1), DMan is R2 already. I only have the resources for one of them. The only reason this is really a debate is because i have suicides and i feel like Apocalypse is not really suicide friendly...
(Both are unawakened)

R3 Apoco or R3 Dragon Man 17 votes

R3 Dragon Man
Spity68LBN1 2 votes
R3 Apocalypse
JadedAdvMalreck04MoosetiptronicEtjamaFiiNCHRenaxqqawesomesauceBLOODY_ASSASIAN08BollandYodabolt21OakenshieldTheBoogyManwillrun4adonutisotired 15 votes


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    R3 Apocalypse
    Not suicide friendly 🙄
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    R3 Apocalypse
    Apoc was the first R3 and R5 I had, and no question in my mind it was a great call. He is even more of a beast as a 6* R3 than as a 5*. Don’t get me wrong - I love DM, he is a lot of fun, but Apoc is on a whole different level.

    Also, while I’m just about to unlock suicides myself, don’t forget that Apoc goes bleed immune after 6 seconds bleed damage for the rest of the quest.
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    R3 Apocalypse
    Apocalypse can become suicide friendly. I'll often run this team:
    Cable (start with all charges on first fight)
    ProfX + colossus (or wolvey/x23) 18% poison resistance per profx charge
    Red mags (profX synergy mental barrier 2.5% health per charge)

    First fight or two I'll use profX just to make apoc even more tanky.
    After what, 8 seconds into the first fight apoc goes bleed immune.
    With this team, most things are dead with an SP1 but even if you take recoil, you're healing is outpacing the damage done from recoil from the synergy team.
  • DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★

    Apoc was the first R3 and R5 I had, and no question in my mind it was a great call. He is even more of a beast as a 6* R3 than as a 5*. Don’t get me wrong - I love DM, he is a lot of fun, but Apoc is on a whole different level.

    Also, while I’m just about to unlock suicides myself, don’t forget that Apoc goes bleed immune after 6 seconds bleed damage for the rest of the quest.

    Yes, i am definitely aware of that, but most of his damage comes from his specials and with recoil that isn't very nice....also his big health pool means that he needs a lot of pots to get him topped up again.
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    R3 Apocalypse
    With my team mentioned above, I've been clearing Lanes in 7.2 for exploration itemless I should mention. (Probably in 7.3 too but haven't gotten there yet)
  • DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★
    edited December 2021

    With my team mentioned above, I've been clearing Lanes in 7.2 for exploration itemless I should mention. (Probably in 7.3 too but haven't gotten there yet)

    That is a great team! However a few months back i chose Archangel over Cable in a 6 star Nexus crystal, and don't have cable above a 4 star rating. Also my Prof X is 5 star Rank 1 unawakened...
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    R3 Apocalypse

    With my team mentioned above, I've been clearing Lanes in 7.2 for exploration itemless I should mention. (Probably in 7.3 too but haven't gotten there yet)

    That is a great team! However a few months back i chose Archangel over Cable in a 6 star Nexus crystal, and don't have cable above a 4 star rating. Also my Prof X is 5 star Rank 1 unawakened...
    There's other synergies out there to get the same things done. If you keep playing you'll eventually end up with them as 6* I'm sure.

    For instance, nick fury + Deadpool will make most non-suicide friendly champs sustainable.
    I'll often pair them with say CAIW when he's the answer for a defender or an entire path.

    Don't get me wrong, I have both DM and apoc as 6* r3. I just do a LOT more with apoc than I do with DM. So rest assured, whichever you chose now isn't a bad choice, since you know you'll be ranking the other one up too.
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