Looking for a new member for our alliance!

Hey all, I wish you a happy end to the old year and prosperity in the new one. We are searching for someone to join us. We do map 5 on all maps and are gold 3. We would love someone who can communicate well with us and ready for AQ. War is optional but if you want to join in we can work with you. We do heroic mods on two groups and normal mods on the 3rd. Please add me in game at ID: IncredibleWord, or on Telegram, the messaging app we use on the same name. Or you can add the alliance leader who is on the picture above. Our poster is a bit out dated just in case.
Discord is IncredibleWord#0032
And telegram is IncredibleWord
Just in case we are definitely willing to wait on gifting, I know we are excited for rewards and we want everyone to get them.