Why do intermediate players still spend?

The current illusion of MCOC is that roster depth matters. Intermediate players (which I shall define as those just before or just after becoming thronebreaker) are still excited to get new champions and rank them up to increase the breadth or their roster.
But do we ever consider whether this roster depth actually matters? I find myself ranking up champions that are seen as meta, only to not bother using them in any of the currently available content.
The content we have currently is boring. The side event quests are usually boring and the monthly event quest consistently feels uninspired. Summer of pain was the last piece of content that I actually enjoyed and required some level of roster depth.
Kabam have promised us various new game modes, such as this illusive solo-competitive mode, that they’ve consistently failed to deliver on. Cheating is rampant in the game and the parry/dex issues still aren’t fixed, which is clearly slowing down the timelines on content that the players are looking for.
I’m not convinced it’s a good idea to spend if you’re at an intermediate progression level. Kabam have said they expect that dealing with cheaters will be a long manual process, and these bugs still persist. Most intermediate players have a roster that outweighs any content they’re being offered. Without the solo-competitive gamemode, I believe this will remain the case.
Slightly more speculatively, there are a number of players moving away from the game now as a result of the problems I have outlined and many other personal reasons. I would not be surprised if this game becomes financially unviable for Kabam sooner rather than later. This will mean lower budgets for their developer studios and even less content and even more bugs. These constant delays on content and bug fixes suggest that this may already be the case. Either the quality of the dev team is too low or the quantity or employees is too low.
If this game was more financially viable for Kabam, it’s obvious that they’d hire more developers to pump out engaging content. It seems at this point that the marketing division is more greatly funded than the developing side of things.
To conclude, I believe that the return on investment of expenditure on the game at this point is lower than ever for intermediate players. I can’t comment on other progression levels.
But do we ever consider whether this roster depth actually matters? I find myself ranking up champions that are seen as meta, only to not bother using them in any of the currently available content.
The content we have currently is boring. The side event quests are usually boring and the monthly event quest consistently feels uninspired. Summer of pain was the last piece of content that I actually enjoyed and required some level of roster depth.
Kabam have promised us various new game modes, such as this illusive solo-competitive mode, that they’ve consistently failed to deliver on. Cheating is rampant in the game and the parry/dex issues still aren’t fixed, which is clearly slowing down the timelines on content that the players are looking for.
I’m not convinced it’s a good idea to spend if you’re at an intermediate progression level. Kabam have said they expect that dealing with cheaters will be a long manual process, and these bugs still persist. Most intermediate players have a roster that outweighs any content they’re being offered. Without the solo-competitive gamemode, I believe this will remain the case.
Slightly more speculatively, there are a number of players moving away from the game now as a result of the problems I have outlined and many other personal reasons. I would not be surprised if this game becomes financially unviable for Kabam sooner rather than later. This will mean lower budgets for their developer studios and even less content and even more bugs. These constant delays on content and bug fixes suggest that this may already be the case. Either the quality of the dev team is too low or the quantity or employees is too low.
If this game was more financially viable for Kabam, it’s obvious that they’d hire more developers to pump out engaging content. It seems at this point that the marketing division is more greatly funded than the developing side of things.
To conclude, I believe that the return on investment of expenditure on the game at this point is lower than ever for intermediate players. I can’t comment on other progression levels.
So spend, don't spend. Play, don't play. What you do is your decision, and I imagine everyone else has their own calculus on whether to do it. I don't care to convince anyone on such matters. It's a video game.