Future of 5* champs

I have a question

"Next, we’re going to start adding a new batch of new Champions to the 5-Star Hero Crystal every month. We will be moving 6 Previously Featured 5-Star Champions to the standard 5-Star Hero Crystal each month starting in July. We will continue to add 6 previous featured 5-Star Champions each month until the backlog of Previously Featured Champions will have caught up. From this point forward, when a 3-Star or 4-Star Previously Featured Champion is added to the Premium Hero Crystal we will also be adding the 5-Star version to the 5-Star Hero Crystal"

This was stated by Miike when he announced the start of the 5* addition every month to the basic pool

When they catch up and the new system will be active (adding one recent featured to the basic pool in the same way 4* are added to PHC) we still have a second round of 15k shards featured crystal for that champ?

Cause i noticed that in the first week of february Mephisto should come back in 15K crystals, but the first tuesday of february after maintenance he, morningstar and blade will go directly into the basic pool


  • Dr_ARCHerDr_ARCHer Member Posts: 127
    Superman69 wrote: »
    I think maybe these featured crystals would continue. It may seem pointless spending extra 5k shards, but still if you want that champ badly, featured crystals would have a lot higher chance to give you that champion.
    While every champ has the same chance in the basic 10k crystal. (Or at least that's what they say. To me it seems 70% are SGwens IMs AMs Lukes She-Hulks IPs etc )

    Kabam has never revealed how much “higher chances” we are getting with the featured hero crystals. As the basic pool grows, are the odds of getting the featured champ the same, or are the odds lowered because there are now more basic champs compared to the featured champ. For example, suppose there are 8 basic champs and 1 featured champ. The featured hero crystal might increase your chance by considering that the same featured champ occurs in the pool twice, so effectively giving you probability of 2/10 or 1/5 of getting the featured champ. Now say they add another 4 champs to the basic pool. Now you have 12 basic champs in the basic pool. Do they apply the same doubling i.e. the featured champ occurs twice? If so, your odds of getting the featured champ is now only 2/14 or 1/7? Or do they maintain the same odds i.e. 1/5?

    I am not sure why there is a lack of transparency here. Perhaps it is not deliberate, but it is a result of lack of proper planning in terms of the development in the game. Take the introduction of 6*. There is now a progression from 5* to 6*, but there is no proper planning in terms of what would happen if you dupe a maxed out 5*. Now this issue may not affect many players now, but as more and more players dupe their 5*, the likelihood of duping a maxed out 5* increases. I dropped a note to Kabam support, and the only sure thing I got is that my ticket will be closed within 24 hours. I contacted someone from a top alliance, and it seems that this issue has been raised to Kabam much earlier, but there has been no action taken.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Dr_ARCHer wrote: »
    Superman69 wrote: »
    I think maybe these featured crystals would continue. It may seem pointless spending extra 5k shards, but still if you want that champ badly, featured crystals would have a lot higher chance to give you that champion.
    While every champ has the same chance in the basic 10k crystal. (Or at least that's what they say. To me it seems 70% are SGwens IMs AMs Lukes She-Hulks IPs etc )

    Kabam has never revealed how much “higher chances” we are getting with the featured hero crystals. As the basic pool grows, are the odds of getting the featured champ the same, or are the odds lowered because there are now more basic champs compared to the featured champ. For example, suppose there are 8 basic champs and 1 featured champ. The featured hero crystal might increase your chance by considering that the same featured champ occurs in the pool twice, so effectively giving you probability of 2/10 or 1/5 of getting the featured champ. Now say they add another 4 champs to the basic pool. Now you have 12 basic champs in the basic pool. Do they apply the same doubling i.e. the featured champ occurs twice? If so, your odds of getting the featured champ is now only 2/14 or 1/7? Or do they maintain the same odds i.e. 1/5?

    I am not sure why there is a lack of transparency here. Perhaps it is not deliberate, but it is a result of lack of proper planning in terms of the development in the game. Take the introduction of 6*. There is now a progression from 5* to 6*, but there is no proper planning in terms of what would happen if you dupe a maxed out 5*. Now this issue may not affect many players now, but as more and more players dupe their 5*, the likelihood of duping a maxed out 5* increases. I dropped a note to Kabam support, and the only sure thing I got is that my ticket will be closed within 24 hours. I contacted someone from a top alliance, and it seems that this issue has been raised to Kabam much earlier, but there has been no action taken.

    I don't know that there's a lack of transparency or poor planning. I think the return of the 5* feature will still happen 4 months after the initial release. Why would people spend an extra 5k shards if they're in the basic pool? Simple; odds are much better to pull that champ from a featured crystal. I mean, your odds (roughly assessed at 20% by the community) is by and far much better than a 1/75 chance.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    They all end up in the crystals except for dead pool...and Kang...the issue isn't will you get them its when. 6 stars however...it's gonna be a really long time before most of us hit a 6 simply by virtue of dupe shards. At the 2 and 3 star levels I have a 99 percent chance of a dupe. At 4 about 50 percent. 5's? Not likely...so while I know that 5 star roster and odds are gonna improve over time the "dumping" of so many champs insures I'll get them...but duping them will be a whole other matter for a long time.
  • Dr_ARCHerDr_ARCHer Member Posts: 127
    edited October 2017
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    I don't know that there's a lack of transparency or poor planning. I think the return of the 5* feature will still happen 4 months after the initial release. Why would people spend an extra 5k shards if they're in the basic pool? Simple; odds are much better to pull that champ from a featured crystal. I mean, your odds (roughly assessed at 20% by the community) is by and far much better than a 1/75 chance.

    There used to be only one way of getting the featured 5* champ, and that is via the 5* featured hero crystals. But now, there is another way, which is via the GM featured crystals. Suppose you are hell-bent in getting the featured champ, say Blade. You could open the 5* featured crystal, or you could (buy and) open the GM featured crystals. Which gives you the better outcome (featured plus basic 5*)

    1) Buy and open GM crystals, and open 5* featured hero crystals
    2) Buy and open GM featured crystals, and open 5* (basic) hero crystals

    Based on my opening stats, GM crystals have odds of about 1/50 for a 5* basic hero crystals. The GM featured hero crystals are very new, so I don’t have enough data points to tell me my own ex post odds. But I did buy enough GM featured hero crystals to get Morningstar and duped it once. I also got a small number of 5* basic champs though. My own attempts at 5* featured hero crystals are like close to (but below) the 20% odds (I got Mephisto and dupe him once with about 12 5* featured hero crystals, but I got nothing with Gwenpool after opening I think about 10 5* Pink Ghost crystals).

    Without knowing the odds, it is hard to determine what is most optimal for my spending.
  • ViperKingVViperKingV Member Posts: 111
    Kabam has never been transparent about crystal odds. Support told me a long time ago that the chances of getting a specific champ may be changed in order to preserve balance in the game or to protect the rarity of an individual champ. I’m not sure if that applies to 5* Featured crystals. I hope the 20% chance is constant. It would be cool if a mod could confirm that this hasn’t been changed.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    ViperKingV wrote: »
    Kabam has never been transparent about crystal odds. Support told me a long time ago that the chances of getting a specific champ may be changed in order to preserve balance in the game or to protect the rarity of an individual champ. I’m not sure if that applies to 5* Featured crystals. I hope the 20% chance is constant. It would be cool if a mod could confirm that this hasn’t been changed.

    Why would that actually matter?

    There wouldn't be proof attached to the answer a mod would have to that question.(if they even answer it, which the chances of that are slim to none.)
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    With the 15k featured crystals, you pay an extra 5k shards for better odds at getting a specific champ. I see nothing wrong with that
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    ViperKingV wrote: »
    Kabam has never been transparent about crystal odds. Support told me a long time ago that the chances of getting a specific champ may be changed in order to preserve balance in the game or to protect the rarity of an individual champ. I’m not sure if that applies to 5* Featured crystals. I hope the 20% chance is constant. It would be cool if a mod could confirm that this hasn’t been changed.

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