Hawkeye's SP3.... Makes no sense....
It does NOTHING .... A guy with an sp1 that is so awesome I want to R4 my 5* and then you have an sp3 that is less useful than Luke Cage.... even his sp2 has decent bleed that I get tempted to drop every now and then... The animation is also boring... Hawkeye doesn't even have to look where is shooting, he has arrow heads with utility overflowing from them and yet his sp3 is a weak explosion that doesn't even bleed/shock/power drain/stun or anything...
haha, not sure if this is a design flaw in the characters, or they just do it on purpose, i.e. some characters have very powerful SP1 over their SP2/SP3, some have more powerful SP2, while some have more powerful SP3
anyway, don't think they are going to modify eagleeyes anytime soon, considering there are way too many MORE SERIOUS BUGS and FAULTY GAME MECHANICS and a few SCREWED-UP CHARACTERS (e.g. Carnage) that they still won't acknowledge or admit, and won't bother to fix
just my 2 cents
For most characters, SP2 is the most powerful but avoidable. SP3 is less powerful but there is no way to avoid it. You get reduced damage because you can't avoid it.
This guy knows what's up
Yeah, cause SL needs a buff. He's trash.
My friend you should try her L3 some time when you save up some souls. It does some hefty damage.
Can't tell if you sarcastically responded to my sarcasm, or you actually thought I was serious and missed the point.