Basic arena is not Basic anymore and it needs more spots

I've been playing this game for 7 years and I remember a time a time where free to play players and casual spenders had a fighting chance to compete and actually get a top champ like Hercules without selling their soul to the devil.we need more spots for the basic arena the way the points are structured its way too much for a basic champ. A basic champ means that the champion went around long enough and the hard-core players either spent in cavs or they really pushed for that champ in the featured arena or they bought the early access bundle and got lucky and got the champ. Hercules going for 100 mil in the basic arena is honestly too much specially when the points for 6*s have dropped down to the same amount as the 5*s. my point in doing this post is to bring awareness to players that this is not ok and it shouldn't be the standard of a mobile video game. balance is everything and top 100 for a basic with the way the points are structured per champ in each fight it should be top 250 not 100 btw this isn't an angry post it's just a discussion bc I feel like no one is talking about this and how free to play and casual spenders are in the downfall.
@Texas_11 i saw you say you did 60-70 million with your roster in basic hitting it twice a day? Laughable. That isnt possible in the basic arena, that is a streak of 800 or more.
OP, i disagree we need more spots. 100 spots feels enough. The main problem is the botters and cheaters taking spots. Kabam should clamp it down harder and perma ban these accounts. 7 day bans are doing nothing. We need a bigger deterrent.
plus, more 6* basic champs filling the playerbase, which is definitely not what kabam wants.
2nd, basic arena does need more spots. 150 now, 200 a bit later.
Also, even if 6* score as many points as 5* in the basic, it does help to have as many as possible. R1 6* gets you more points than r3 5*. And people grinding the basic still have tons of 5* r1.
I doubt there are any bots in top100 6* arena. Who'd be dumb enough to run a bot on a 2.5-3mil account and risk getting it banned? They'll just hire a merc.
6* basic arena is actually FAR easier to bot. Since your 4* and 5* roster matter MORE than 6* and have lower cooldowns, bots actually feature heavily. the Kingpin arena, there was proof of those with r1 6* getting kingpin twice, just direct bot accounts.
The cutoffs are mainly due to botters and cheats, of course. the basic arena is a completely different beast to 6* featured. doing 600 streak without refreshes and a a bunch of boosts gets you close to 50 million, that is a far cry from doing a hundred million +. 6* rosters dont matter too much in basic arena, your 4* and 5* rosters matter a lot more.
I did jubilee basic arena and did 87 mil with a single Odin, I didn't grind non stop though.
I hate to say it. Bots or not, that wasn't going to influence the top 100 too much, it rarely does.
I been playing for 7 years as well and the arenas have improved significantly, there was a point where I could pick up all the new 5* by casually grinding and even missing a couple of days.
The arena has improved in the basic , to make it more competitive for causal players.
More importantly ,
Arena is not for casuals if they want to earn a champ like Hercules. I can bet you bottom dollar that most people had your final score in 1-2 days. I would almost argue unless you are hunting units , it's not a casual game mode.
Going forward you should consider how many units this champion is worth and go for that. Old featured arena scores should give you an indication. Bots have nothing to do with your miss. You underestimated and got spanked for it.
We all have had that feeling in our stomachs before, so you will know now. Good luck.
And 5* can still do all available content, especially someone like Herc.
The standard for basic arena is no where near 100m. That was for Hercules.
As much as I would love to continue, the fact is , you shouldn't be playing in arena if you don't expect to pick up the champ. I don't think any causal person expects to pick up a champion in arena if they aren't ready to put in the time or $$$
Someone always loses , whales or not. I almost went for herc and would have thrown the Odins at him, but don't have the time.