Yale007Yale007 Member Posts: 39
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Boo


I'm going to attempt to speak about a sensitive issue and try not get this thread taken down. Wish me luck!

You sent out an email on Alliance war season commencing on 1/5/22.

So my alliance started doing war again.

We recently noticed the season tab in war said it starts in 7 days. I figured that was a glitch, because...

and I'm saying this with love and kindness, in order to have a discussion and not get this taken down - Every time there is an update, there is an issue of varying size. Having worked in cross platform mobile games myself, I understand and am sympathetic to the issues going on right now. I know how hard it is to push out monthly content and am appreciative that you have kept this train rolling through some surreal times.

I play this game to escape stress and frustration and unfortunately that aspect has gone away from my enjoyment of playing this game. I still love the game and think there is a great deal to want to be a part of here and I still enjoy other aspects of it. The fighter design in almost every aspect is always great and it's an impressive accomplishment how diversified this roster of fighters is and how almost everyone feels different to use and feels like the character from the comics. It's a truly impressive feat 200 champs and 7 years into the game.

But my issue is communication. And Kabam, you and I are in a relationship. I help support you and you give me enjoyment. So in working on our relationship, I have to please ask you...

If you cancel an event, please send out an email that it's canceled. I have a life, a family and responsibilities outside of this game. Doing placement and fighting in phantom wars because someone forgot to send out an email that the season was canceled feels sucky, as i'm sure you can imagine. time wasted. resources wasted. etc... ontop of all the other continued gameplay issues.

And while I have you here. Let's talk about compensation - and let me say a positive first. I like the change to "thank you for playing contest of champions" rather than saying "Continued gameplay issues" when you send emails. That little change makes me feel like you appreciate that we're all in this together. cause at this point the people that are still playing the game while it's being fixed, LOVE the game. And in that spirit i say, you have to change up your compensation. Most of it is being wasted. Some of it is valuable. I understand not wanting to give units, but a bi-weekly or monthly glory drop with some t1 alpha and t4 basic would be nice to compensate for the stunted growth of alliances. That way you can keep the big money items like T5 basic and T2 alpha as rewards in quests.

There's a lot going on in the world to say the least and I appreciate that I have a place where I can escape into the contest. I just ask that as you move forward you're more conscientious of communicating things directly to the players. Cause this has now become a factor in my decision to keep playing this game moving forward.

I'd ask if the comments can stay positive and focused so this thread doesn't get taken down.


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    I came to post that stupid “didn’t read.. that sucks or good for you.” But well said, honestly
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