Suggestion - Checkpoints in middle of quest

This suggestion is made with inspiration from old video games.
How about giving us the ability to create checkpoints in the middle of quests that you can restart at instead of having to restart from the beginning every time if you have one bad match that ruins your run?
Like if i've had a perfect run against 4 enemies but the next one kills 3 of my champs, i can restart at my checkpoint with 4 matches already done instead of having to do all of them again just because the fifth match was a disaster.
But you can only have one checkpoint per quest available to place where you want.
How about giving us the ability to create checkpoints in the middle of quests that you can restart at instead of having to restart from the beginning every time if you have one bad match that ruins your run?
Like if i've had a perfect run against 4 enemies but the next one kills 3 of my champs, i can restart at my checkpoint with 4 matches already done instead of having to do all of them again just because the fifth match was a disaster.
But you can only have one checkpoint per quest available to place where you want.