Thoughts on Odin

Just wanted to know is Odin a good champion or an avg champion specially when not using for synergy/cross fight ability purposes. Also, his apart from Hela does any other champion benefits greatly from his cross fight ability.
Personally from what i understand that he is good in long fights only due to the ability to get more buffs longs the fight is(specially when unawakened). I could be surely wrong, would love to know what the community thinks about him
Personally from what i understand that he is good in long fights only due to the ability to get more buffs longs the fight is(specially when unawakened). I could be surely wrong, would love to know what the community thinks about him
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
As for his pre-fights, besides using them to help specific champs, they’re also great to use when you have a node that requires attackers to have buffs. In those cases his pre-fights make pretty much any champs an option, without looking at any other nodes or the defenders involved. Ultimately I’m really liking my 5* and plan to take him to R5 as soon as I get the chance.
He has a synergy that makes Ghost even more OP (via Ant-man).
On his own his has easy access to true strike, which is always good. He can do some big time damage, but you have to follow his ramp up rotation, which is kinda long but not too bad.
I have mine at rank 2 and would rank 3 him now but decided to hold my T5cc while I consider a future rank 4 of another cosmic champ. I might still do Odin and will eventually.
The ramp up isn't that bad. For really short fights, 1 sp2 should suffice. Otherwise, it's just 1 sp1 and then the sp2: this might sound long, but one of the buffs he gets is energize, so he gets to his specials quickly. For longer fights, it's sp1, sp3, then sp2. Again, the energize buff will help you get to your specials quickly so you'll get power more quickly than you think. However, this requires a lot of heavies (see below on this).
As far as utility, the true strike is nice. But one thing that is overlooked is his tankiness and block proficiency. You just feel very safe with him.
The only tricky thing is that he does rely on his heavies, but his heavy reach/speed is nice so you can pull it off even against stun immunes.