Agatha Harkness, based on Kabam's concept

Based on this official concept:

Stolen Might - Cross fight ability
Striker bonus effects:
All champs are their classic versions except Vision, who is the MCU Vision

- Always active - Power Leech
- 10% of power gained by opponents through any means is immediately stolen by Agatha.
- This steals 50% if the power was gained through a power gain buff.
- Agatha is immune to Power Steal effects.
- Agatha's life extending magic heals her for 0.15% base health every second and grants immunity to poison.
- Agatha has learned to avert psychic attacks, granting #Psychic Shielding.
- Through her Special Attacks, Agatha can place mystical runes on the battlefield, creating a runic trap for her opponent. Placing a new trap removes previous traps.
- As an attacker, traps don't expire over time. As a defender, traps last 15 seconds.
- While the opponent is between Agatha's runes, her Power Leech steals 100% of Power gained.
Stolen Might - Cross fight ability
- After Agatha steals 1.5 Bars of Power through her trap or the Opponent was in her trap for a total of 12 seconds, Agatha gains an imitation charge of her opponent. This places a 7 second fate seal debuff on the opponent.
- Up to 3 imitation charges are kept as cross fight charges at the end of a fight. These last until they are consumed. Agatha can have imitation charges of up to 3 champions.
- Charges can be spent to summon Striker versions of the stolen champions, using their first special attack and granting Agatha a bonus based on their class. Strikers have a cooldown of 15 seconds.
Striker bonus effects:
- Science: Inflict weakness, reducing attack rating by 20% for 12 seconds
- Skill: Gain 3 cleanse charges, lasting 17 seconds. Each debuff on Agatha reduces the amount of cleanse charges by 1 and is immediately purified instead.
- Mutant: Gain a 7 second unblockable and prowess buff, increasing special attack damage by 35%
- Tech: Gain an indefinite armor up buff, increasing armor rating by 300
- Cosmic: Gain a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 80% for 15 seconds.
- Mystic: Inflict 3 stagger effects, lasting 20 seconds.
- Place Agatha's runes around herself when activating this attack.
- If the opponent was in a trap within 1 second of this attack's activation, place a fate seal debuff for 10 seconds. Otherwise, nullify 1 buff on the opponent.
- Place Agatha's runes at her location and that of the opponent when activating this attack.
- Each hit steals up to 5% of current power. If the opponent is still trapped before the last hit, the last hit steals up to 1 bar of power.
- The entire arena is made into a trap for 15 seconds.
- Place a power gain buff on the opponent, granting 1.5 bars of power over 15 seconds.
- Pre-fight ability: Agatha can summon one of the following champions as an imitaition charge at the beginning of her next fight: Abomination, Hawkeye, Wolverine, Vision, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch. These charges are not consumed when summoning strikers, but Agatha can only activate each of these pre-fight abilities once per quest and only one of these charges can be active at a time. They also don't stack with these champion's regular imitation charges.
- Striker effects last 10% - 90% longer, and armor up is 40% to 150% more effective.
All champs are their classic versions except Vision, who is the MCU Vision