What’s your biggest pet peeve when discussing MCOC?

My all time biggest pet peeve is when someone is referring to a champ and uses the abbreviations “SS” there is like 8 champs with that abbreviation and it comes up way to often lol.
My 2nd is just a little one but it’s when people ask if a champ “needs” to be awakened. It’s been close to a year where the game stopped hiding awakened abilities and now tell you exactly what they do and even tell you the percentages from sig 1 to 200. Even if you don’t have that champ at all you can still see what their awakened ability is.
Ooof I get triggered just talking about that SS abbreviation thing lol. I’m just wondering if anyone else has pet peeves regarding mcoc!
My 2nd is just a little one but it’s when people ask if a champ “needs” to be awakened. It’s been close to a year where the game stopped hiding awakened abilities and now tell you exactly what they do and even tell you the percentages from sig 1 to 200. Even if you don’t have that champ at all you can still see what their awakened ability is.
Ooof I get triggered just talking about that SS abbreviation thing lol. I’m just wondering if anyone else has pet peeves regarding mcoc!
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
This is especially true when it comes to using 6* AGs an sig stones. As valuable as there are, you can be damn sure that before using then I will:
- Read the sig description, and and check how the sig levels change per level in Aunt Mai.
- Watch what yourubers say
- Read forums AND make a thread to read updated opinions on the issue.
Too valuable a resource for you just not to do that.
Luckily I’d already used a tech on SS, so I didn’t need to worry about him. That just left SS and SS who luckily don’t need their sigs, but hopefully I awaken one of them at some point. They both do similar things, and while I only need one of them, I do prefer SS!
should rank up SS tho
"Best mutant confirmed?"
"New top champ?"
"Top three mystic for sure"
Like, can we just say a champion is good without having to try to create an objective list based on too many variables and very subjective reasoning?
Also don't like how people who spend money vs ftp people are like enemies lol
E.g apocalypse, spider man 2099, Doctor Doom, Knull, etc
Prolly, when people write essays on here and don’t add a TLDR🥲🥱
Summoned Symbiote
Scott Summers
Stryfe Summers
Spider Swine
Swamp Stuff
Serum Soldier
Stephen Strange
Susan Storm
Sersi Snow
Edit: to be clear, I actually do agree that it is annoying when brought up too much. I really just quoted you because I thought it was on-topic.