
Idk but whenever I said Buff Purgatory PPL just kicked me out. This is why I want to discuss it & want to make my points in this issue.
• Why we need Buffs?
Because In the game we have many players which are in different levels of game progression simply, we have players which have huge roster with all Apocalyptic Champions, Players which doesn't have even Champions worth considering to Rank-Up, and Players whose rosters are long but they are still perceiveing their ideal champs or players with full of **** champs.
Now, In order to progress further & play game with ease, Comfort & Fun we have to must pickup the champs Rank them and use them Cause If not then you will stuck on that game position and you will not progress any further.
I seen Players who has Karnak natural sig.120 that guy uploaded his video and while live opening the crystals he said he knows he get Karnak and he gets Karnak and we are laughing like crazy on him. It's been happening with lots of guys Groot nat Sig.80, Purgatory nat sig.60 etc-etc.
For high level players (PTP, Competitive, Thronebreakers) this buff stuff is just fun & A thing to test their skills but for others it's very important cause it's directly affected to their game progression. Those guys who has very bad luck are stucked into game and end up ranking champions who doesn't help them in future or even in AW/AQ.
This is why ppl are very positive for this buff stuff even players like me (Uncollected) waiting for buffs so eagerly.
• Buffs are going in pace why you are referring someone specific?
From lately I'm not seeing Buffs are going on its pace and the buffs which are coming out are mostly random and we also don't have any list of Champs who's stated that this camp will be get buffed on that - this month. This process is unpredictable in many ways.
Some champions get attention when something goes on in big screen (Cinematic situation) and buffed or chances of getting buffed is increased but, for Purgatory I don't think it will work out in either way this cause she is "Kabam Original Champion".
• Purgatory is "Kabam Original Champion" they
will work on her very soon.
No, I don't think that. I agree she is Kabam Original Champion and they gave her very good publicity but what happened after her release in game?
Purgatory is trolled heavily in community, they ignored her name picking duped Dormamu (good champ I'm not insulting him) instead of Purgatory, YouTubers, content creators and Alliance members get Headstrokes when someone asked them about Ranking Purgatory.
She is forgotten and more like a daughter betrayed by her own father, a year is passed out, no announcement, no notification and I doubt that they even remember her or not.
• Purgatory has good Utility.
I know she has some good Utility but it doesn't change who she is and I don't have to explain what she is.
It's always feels like something wrong, Like I'm sitting in front of table full of foods but everything is useless cause I'm Vegan.
• Are you against other Champion's Buffs?
No, I'm not against any other Champion's buff. There are many Champions who need buffs more like they deserve buffs. For e.g - Jubilee, Odin OmegaBuff, Moon Knight, Green Goblin, Karnak etc.
And I'm not even writing this post if Kabam is honest to his commetments.
they are not giving 3 buffs per month and even now delaying buffs.
As, I mentioned many players fate is sealed with some specific champ, either they liked it or not.
In my case it's Purgatory and I liked this champ and think that she deserves to be buffed. I'm not crushing your listed Champions with my listed Champions, I'm just pointing my listed Champion so that she can enlisted in a list of future buff Champion with many other champions.
• Lol! They shut down Buffs. Didn't you read the latest post?
I know that they slowed down it even further, but as I told you this whole Buff stuff is unpredictable, and I also have a doubt that even buffs aren't slowed down do they care about buffing Purgatory or not? that's why I want to point out, or more like making a honest request to buff Purgatory with any Champions which people like or they prefer.
Last Message - Thanks guys! For reading my post please support me or if not suggest yours Champion's who you think are worthy to get buffed. Thanks once again.
• Why we need Buffs?
Because In the game we have many players which are in different levels of game progression simply, we have players which have huge roster with all Apocalyptic Champions, Players which doesn't have even Champions worth considering to Rank-Up, and Players whose rosters are long but they are still perceiveing their ideal champs or players with full of **** champs.
Now, In order to progress further & play game with ease, Comfort & Fun we have to must pickup the champs Rank them and use them Cause If not then you will stuck on that game position and you will not progress any further.
I seen Players who has Karnak natural sig.120 that guy uploaded his video and while live opening the crystals he said he knows he get Karnak and he gets Karnak and we are laughing like crazy on him. It's been happening with lots of guys Groot nat Sig.80, Purgatory nat sig.60 etc-etc.
For high level players (PTP, Competitive, Thronebreakers) this buff stuff is just fun & A thing to test their skills but for others it's very important cause it's directly affected to their game progression. Those guys who has very bad luck are stucked into game and end up ranking champions who doesn't help them in future or even in AW/AQ.
This is why ppl are very positive for this buff stuff even players like me (Uncollected) waiting for buffs so eagerly.
• Buffs are going in pace why you are referring someone specific?
From lately I'm not seeing Buffs are going on its pace and the buffs which are coming out are mostly random and we also don't have any list of Champs who's stated that this camp will be get buffed on that - this month. This process is unpredictable in many ways.
Some champions get attention when something goes on in big screen (Cinematic situation) and buffed or chances of getting buffed is increased but, for Purgatory I don't think it will work out in either way this cause she is "Kabam Original Champion".
• Purgatory is "Kabam Original Champion" they
will work on her very soon.
No, I don't think that. I agree she is Kabam Original Champion and they gave her very good publicity but what happened after her release in game?
Purgatory is trolled heavily in community, they ignored her name picking duped Dormamu (good champ I'm not insulting him) instead of Purgatory, YouTubers, content creators and Alliance members get Headstrokes when someone asked them about Ranking Purgatory.
She is forgotten and more like a daughter betrayed by her own father, a year is passed out, no announcement, no notification and I doubt that they even remember her or not.
• Purgatory has good Utility.
I know she has some good Utility but it doesn't change who she is and I don't have to explain what she is.
It's always feels like something wrong, Like I'm sitting in front of table full of foods but everything is useless cause I'm Vegan.
• Are you against other Champion's Buffs?
No, I'm not against any other Champion's buff. There are many Champions who need buffs more like they deserve buffs. For e.g - Jubilee, Odin OmegaBuff, Moon Knight, Green Goblin, Karnak etc.
And I'm not even writing this post if Kabam is honest to his commetments.
they are not giving 3 buffs per month and even now delaying buffs.
As, I mentioned many players fate is sealed with some specific champ, either they liked it or not.
In my case it's Purgatory and I liked this champ and think that she deserves to be buffed. I'm not crushing your listed Champions with my listed Champions, I'm just pointing my listed Champion so that she can enlisted in a list of future buff Champion with many other champions.
• Lol! They shut down Buffs. Didn't you read the latest post?
I know that they slowed down it even further, but as I told you this whole Buff stuff is unpredictable, and I also have a doubt that even buffs aren't slowed down do they care about buffing Purgatory or not? that's why I want to point out, or more like making a honest request to buff Purgatory with any Champions which people like or they prefer.
Last Message - Thanks guys! For reading my post please support me or if not suggest yours Champion's who you think are worthy to get buffed. Thanks once again.