I still don't understand what suicides are

I've been playing this game for almost 2 years and i still don't understand what suicides are. I see it getting mentioned alot, but it's always done in a way that assumes you already know what it is and how to do it, i've never been able to find a video or a post explaining what suicides are and how it's done like in a basic tutorial.
Please explain like i'm 5 years old.
What is it?
How do you use it?
Does it only apply to certain champs and/or synergies?
Please explain like i'm 5 years old.
What is it?
How do you use it?
Does it only apply to certain champs and/or synergies?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
It also requires lots of units to buy the mastery cores to unlock it all. You have to dedicate your mastery points with very little, if any, to spare elsewhere. For example, if you run MD with your mystics, you won't have enough mastery points to run full suicides.
You lose life by taking poison damage for the entire fight (is offset by the defense mastery of willpower). You lose life by bleed damage (some lessen this by coagulate mastery). And you take damage equal to 5% of health Everytime you use a sp1 or sp2.
The circles masteries are the main masteries used for suicides.