Quick 6 star Nexus Choice

Fakarg706Fakarg706 Member Posts: 9
edited February 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Please help me! All three look great!!

Quick 6 star Nexus Choice 46 votes

Void (New)
Hort4AKTEKSw0rdMasterSbkruebEtjamaFilledPizzaXguard77SkyLord7000ScrubhanBurrito2525Yodabolt21JoshKosh557Barani7dawillrun4adonutGunner1413579rebel_IcyCoolDudeDoodleMightyD 18 votes
Bishop (Awakening)
thanks4playing10or_StrongItsDamienDylanphileLpooHagureMeijinLBN1FrostGiantLordSh4rkies_1 9 votes
Sunspot (New)
CrimsonBadgerSpeedbumpExHavokAdvMegaGalacticSquirrelguyKRANꓘEwell65SSS69ZekedamamFabwiziodishika123The_grim3RiptideOakenshieldNalak8Sergeant_PapaMidnite007RatedSViperFirest0rm 19 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Firest0rmFirest0rm Member Posts: 28
    Sunspot (New)
    Bishop is fantastic on defence, and a good attacker.

    Void is applicable in almost every situation and has incinerate immunity, but needs dupe to ramp up the damage.

    Sunspot is great, even unduped.

    I'd say sunspot, but really, you cant go wrong with any of these pulls
  • Fakarg706Fakarg706 Member Posts: 9
    Yeah I think the awakening part of Void kinda turns me off considering I probably won’t pull him again (or a 6 star ag) for a while. I got a 5 star rank 4 at sig 100 sitting on the bench most of the time.

    I also am stacked in the heal reversal department, so maybe sunspot would be a better option for now.
  • CrimsonBadgerCrimsonBadger Member Posts: 88
    Sunspot (New)
    Honestly, sunspots easy access to perfect block is unique and amazing imo
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