Dragonman degen with Red Magneto in AW

At the start of the fight my Red Magneto started to get degen. As described when dragonman has a armor break. But I didn't armor break him, I only parried and used heavy attacks.
Synergy team was with warlock and human torch.
Synergy team was with warlock and human torch.
The game doesn't distinguish
Nowhere in his kit does it say that he converts bleeds on bleed immunes to armour breaks. He is ONLY supposed to do this on magnetized opponents. At the start of the fight Dragon man in this case is not magnetized so he should not be armour broken
100% chance to inflict a Bleed Debuff, causing 1641 direct damage over 6 seconds.
Inflicting is an action after which the stated effects take place. That's contrary to the bleed that comes from suicides which is self inflicted.
It doesn't matter whether it is self inflicted or not. If immune, place ab