Are we getting the best value from 6 stars

I was curious how the 6 star champion stats compared to their previous versions when ranking them up. In my sheet I've used stats from the aunt Mai website and taken agent venom and apocalypse at my examples.
It can be seen that both get an average value boost of between 30% to 40% per rank up as a 4 and 5 star champion. Making the resources spent worthwhile as you can't simply just pop a boost and get the same effect. This continues to 6 star champions when ranking up from 1 to 2. With a 38% increase from rank 1 to rank 2 it makes it a worthwhile investment.
However the increase from rank 2 to rank 3 is only 18%. About half what you'd expect when comparing to previous data. This drops down further to a measly 14% when ranking up from 3 to 4. Seeing as I could pop a 10% champion boost, which is easily obtainable from supreme solo crystals, and get nearly the same value as a rank 4 champion or pop a 20% boost on a rank 3 champion and have a higher health and attack stats than a rank 4. Why bother trying for the materials.
Tier 6 basic catalysts and tier 3 alpha catalysts have mostly been stuck behind paywalls whereas before we'd expect to see these rank up materials when completing the last chapter in the latest story quest act. At the rate the drop is going a 6 star champion at rank 5 would only be 10% stronger than a rank 4. So why even bother trying to get the materials?
Yes yes I know you can apply those same boosts to a r5. But is there really going to be content where r5's are required when there's so little imprvement from a r3?
The biggest effect on rank ups isn’t stats. It’s combat power rate.
This is why some champs are better off in your roster as 5* and some are better as 6*. Someone with power gain or that gains power steadily through the fight. Sorcerer Supreme for example. Is better as a 6*. Both in stats and power gain. But someone that needs the combat power rate. Like doom or magneto. Better as maxed 5*
If you want to say that some champs like Void aren’t worth investing scarce 6-star stones into when you’ve got a 5/65/200 already, that’s a different discussion.
Normally the argument is about should I take my 5* to r5 or my 6* to r2. In which case, combat rate is a much bigger factor, especially if it's not a champ you can necessarily see yourself taking to r3. If it's a champ you will take to r3... then of course higher attack and health is going to be better in the long run.
If power rate was such an issue with a champ, you could also just bring a romance synergy or Mojo and get more power rate than any rank up would provide. No need to chase near unobtainable resources and get next to nothing else to show for it
Does this mean that a 6s has a lower combat power gain or something?
The original post explaining is lost on the old forums, but basically there's a linear scale that looks something* like this:
At rank 1, they have 100% combat Power rate.
At rank 2, they have 105% combat Power rate.
At rank 3, they have 110% combat Power rate.
At rank 4, they have 115% combat Power rate.
At rank 5, they have 120% combat Power rate.
It was only ever a short comment by Mike, I think; not much detail.
*Apologies if the real numbers are slightly different to this...
At this rate and point, I think it's a good idea for kabam to give rank down tickets. Especially for 6*s.
If it's gonna be a problem, they should just add it to gifting crystals. But that'll mean one have a lower chance of getting a particular class and a particular rank -rank down a r3 - to rank down their champ choice.
I do really need rank down tickets. I've missed it since 2017/18. When kabam was generous. 🤭
Instead now it’s all flipped around, and is now the only rationale anyone has for ranking up lower rarity champs.
1. So is there a reason why 6* don't benefit as much when ranking up (based on the OP)? And is there an explanation to this? I feel like this was explained before my Miike but idr
2. About the combat pwr rate
2a. are there other mechanics in game that are like this?
2b. which champs do u think has the most effect on? Doom, Mags... Havok?
The only reason to rank up champs to r4 is the paragon title…
Keep in mind that comparing 4* versus 5*, your max 4* is comparable to 5* at r3. So 5* champs only had 2 more rankups they could do above that point. Think that (2 extra rankup steps) was also similar between 2*/3*/4* as well (?)
Now 5* vs 6*, max 5* is comparable to 6* at only r2. So 6* will be able to (eventually) have MORE rankups higher than r2 in which to ultimately achieve about the same overall increases as what 5* did to 4* (and those earlier Star rarities too).
It's just that amount of eventual total increase compared to 5* is spread out over 3 additional rankups instead of 2 additional rankups.
That's probably why each individual rankup step for 6* seems to not give as much of an increase at a single time.