Spider-Man 2099 the useful noodle?

Why do so many people love using SM99 if he has such low damage? The only thing I know he’s good for is the fights with champs that have true strike on them? He has debuffs, but his dmg is so low that I find him unusable. Why do so many players love him? He’s not like Warlock where he doesn’t have ultra-high dmg output but still puts in the work in most places. This is sm99 who has debuffs and nothing too useful for them. Again why do so many players love this noodle?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Not gaining buffs is an amazing utility that only one other champ has. Meanings he's pseudo immune to fate seal, nullify, stagger, etc etc. Dormammu, Mojo, Sym Supreme, Buffet, Power Snack, or other champs and abilities that affect most champs just don't work. I just soloed an AW Mojo boss with my S2099 and it wasn't even close, Mojo could do nothing to be and just get beaten up.
Then when he came to the featured 6 star crystal I got 1 and got him as a 6 star and went to R3 same day again.
He's also an amazing AW champ as well and more so for the boss nodes. Having -75% damage on all fight is just silly honestly.
If anyone says his damage is bad, fell for the early youtube videos or player feedback. His damage is fine with his SP2 but you gotta ramp alittle is all. Apply them debuffs and keep them on and his damage is fine.