Aw individual bg score available to officers/leader

Currently in alliance war you can see your individual battlegrounds performance head to head by clicking the little icon next to the score. As officers and leaders we should have access to that in the other bgs. Currently we can only see that in the battleground we join. It’s a small change but would be nice instead of having to ask other folks to post it for us to look over.
The (i) info icon next to your ally's current score inside the “War Progress” box ?
That pulls up the side-by-side info TOTALED ACROSS ALL BG's for your Ally vs the Opponent, not just for the one BG you are in.
This is what pops up. Leadership should have access to each bgs stats like this.
Little inconsistencies, like also not being able to “poke” people in the other BG's.
As well as not having the quick-switch selections of BG's at the top of the BG that you are actually joined in (only there when looking at other BG's, or any Defense). Such a pain when in your own BG map and having to back out to main screens to then go over to your other BG's to look at those.