CapIW & Science Roster

I just pulled CapIW for the first time at 5*

I was pretty set on Mr. Fantastic being my next R4/R5 and use my R4 Science Rankup on him but now I'm not so sure...
• No Science Gem

I desperately need science help for my roster
Should I focus Cap? Or is Mr. Fantastic a viable option? -- who would be my best option(s) going into 6.2/Variants and on?

I was pretty set on Mr. Fantastic being my next R4/R5 and use my R4 Science Rankup on him but now I'm not so sure...
• No Science Gem

I desperately need science help for my roster
Should I focus Cap? Or is Mr. Fantastic a viable option? -- who would be my best option(s) going into 6.2/Variants and on?
Absolutely awesome champ. Easily top 3 Science in the game, arguably top 1 or 2.... but only if he's max 200 sig!
Without awakening (or even awakened but at low sig) he's still an awesome champ but only beings three things to the table:
a) Tankiness/high block prof
b) Face melting sp2 damage if played right
c) A bleed that is compunded with defensive AR
Now those three things he brings are awesome at all, but compared to the 5-6 extra things he would bring to the table if awakened and at max sig, then they don't look like that much of a big deal
Now, lets see what would Mr. F brings to the table . FYI , I consider Mr. F. hands down the top 3 science, only HT and a max sig CAIW I would value higher than him. Here's what he brings:
a) Stagger
b) Taunt
c) Shock
b) Unique debuff that reduces damage of enemy apecials for ALL of your team's champs!
d) Ability to evade unblockables after a bit of time
e) Makes all your other Fantastic 4 champs considerably stronger
f) An incredibly useful synergy that makes all science/tech champs in your team apply 3 power stings each time they knock down an opponent.
g) An even more useful and clutch synergy that can make all your cosmic/skill champs pause their buffs each time they hit the opponent.
h) A face-meltingly useful prefight that can benefit ANY other champ in your team and reduces incoming damage from DOT effects and increases their damage to the opoyby the same amount.
I) His single and absolutely best and most incredibly useful of all his abilities: two prefights that can make ANY champ in your team become a power control machine.
So count. Unawakened CAIW brings three things to the table. Mr. F brings 10 things to the table.
I rest my case.
Thank you for the insight my dude, case is laid to rest