Recent champions of Kabam lacks originality

I don't think I am the only one who noticed this, but I am posting in case there are any player that didn't notice yet. The fact is that the recent champions of Kabam are very similar in the way you use them. Long story in short, you have to get a load of something to activate a buff and that's how they work.
Spiderman (Stark) can get a poise when evading, which gives a buff on attack.
Doctor Octavius can get a research of chemistry/biology/physicis that will have different effects each.
Green Globin can get madness/cunning, which have different effects each.
Wilson Fisk can get rage, which can eventually be turned into a buff under certain situations.
Morning Star can get souls, and the the effects depend on how many souls.
There are more, but I just wanted to point some. As you can see, they're basically the same in the end. The formula "If the champion XXXX gains a XXX that makes he get a XXX buff".
Last, but not least important, I cant forget to mention that heavy attack of recent champions always cause some buff on user or debuff on target when they hit. Heavy Attack of recent champions have some usability besides breaking defenses as they can cause conditions, unlike old champions which heavy attack are mostly used to solely break defense.
Spiderman (Stark) can get a poise when evading, which gives a buff on attack.
Doctor Octavius can get a research of chemistry/biology/physicis that will have different effects each.
Green Globin can get madness/cunning, which have different effects each.
Wilson Fisk can get rage, which can eventually be turned into a buff under certain situations.
Morning Star can get souls, and the the effects depend on how many souls.
There are more, but I just wanted to point some. As you can see, they're basically the same in the end. The formula "If the champion XXXX gains a XXX that makes he get a XXX buff".
Last, but not least important, I cant forget to mention that heavy attack of recent champions always cause some buff on user or debuff on target when they hit. Heavy Attack of recent champions have some usability besides breaking defenses as they can cause conditions, unlike old champions which heavy attack are mostly used to solely break defense.
"Apocalypse gains Metamorphasis for no reason at all, which makes him indestructible just because."