Vision should have a Phase mechanic right??

I feel vision should be stronger due to his connection to the infinity stone and definitely should have a phase mechanic. Let me know if you agree. Comment below so we can get him buffed immediately. It’s been long overdue in my opinion.

Vision should have a Phase mechanic right?? 15 votes

Buff now!!
yossHenriqueSCCPMqc19ThirosGiomeLpooJragonMaster170ChobblySpecMMusha27Kuga_ZAwillrun4adonut13579rebel_MightyD 14 votes
Don’t buff this champion
MutantA___4444 1 vote


  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    While I 100% agree Vision should phase, this is not a new concept Kabam is unaware of. It's been brought up on the forums dozens of times before.

    If I was betting man, there is a better chance that we see this happen with a new champ like White Vision, as opposed to thru an OG Vision buff. (If we see this added at all).
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,897 ★★★★★
    Buff now!!
    I'm currently making a Vison Buff idea and including the phase mechancic
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