Featured GM crystals - Probably the worst addition to the contest.

Like the Title says.
As if GM crystals weren't bad enough by themselves, you had to release these too? I know they're making a lot of money but they're just insane.
You use 15k 5* shards for a 'FAIR SHOT' at that featured 5*, and even then people usually don't get them and pull groot, colossus, IP, AM etc and you see people going 0 for 10, 15 even 20+. And when you do get a featured, it feels great, or it at least it used to. Now? You use your shards that takes months to accumulate, and then you see people opening one, five or whatever of these featured GM crystals and pulling that 5* featured hero. This has reduced the value that a featured 5* used to have. I know you want to make money, being a business and all, but don't make the game so pay-to-win.
As if GM crystals weren't bad enough by themselves, you had to release these too? I know they're making a lot of money but they're just insane.
You use 15k 5* shards for a 'FAIR SHOT' at that featured 5*, and even then people usually don't get them and pull groot, colossus, IP, AM etc and you see people going 0 for 10, 15 even 20+. And when you do get a featured, it feels great, or it at least it used to. Now? You use your shards that takes months to accumulate, and then you see people opening one, five or whatever of these featured GM crystals and pulling that 5* featured hero. This has reduced the value that a featured 5* used to have. I know you want to make money, being a business and all, but don't make the game so pay-to-win.
That's how it is
Umm yeah that's also another problem, but un-related to the topic in discussion here.
I like the crystals. Feature 5* are the most fun thing to me, now I have options if I burn all my shards and then someone like Blade comes out. I didn't get him, but people did and that's okay.
Not at the cost of dropping units that you save for months only to walk away with 10 3* in total 5 from MS and 5 from Blade one so i would say the op is right....i see many ppl get too lucky while others end up on the unlucky side of things....i will tell you this at least in vegas you can walk away with some money