LF AQ focused Map 5 and up Alliance to join

_Xmeout96_Xmeout96 Member Posts: 19
I’ve been an officer in an Alliance that has dwindled down in participation for months now. Been trying to hold them up but it’s getting exhausting.

Just looking for an Alliance that can do Map 5 regularly and can obtain over 3.5k glory weekly. I use Discord and Line so either or is fine with me. Would prefer an optional War Ally because I’ve haven’t been doing Attacker/Defender rank ups lately but will eventually.

All-in-all I’m very active and really want progress at a better rate with a new Alliance. I also have a couple friends that want to come with me so if anyone has more than 1 spot open that would be cool too.

My IGN is Xmeout


  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    Map 5. Bout 270mil per AQ cycle. Definitely need 1, maybe 2. Hmu on line or in game & I'll get u in touch w/recruitment officer
  • Doofy64Doofy64 Member Posts: 36
    We run 655x5 with a 665x5 schedule in the future and get around 4k-4.3k glory a week. We do run 3bgs for war though and have 1 immediate opening but can make room for a few more. Hit me up on line at Doofy64 if you're interested
  • IronTomFlintIronTomFlint Member Posts: 113
    Are you still looking? I’m IronTomFlint on Line. Let’s chat, maybe we have a good fit for you.
  • Shadow_Blade11Shadow_Blade11 Member Posts: 66
    I added you in game. Very active map 5 ally. Looking for another person to have an officer type role. I look forward to hearing from you
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 408
    We're a friendly, fun, and supportive alliance. AQ map 555 x 5 (Score 220M+, glory rewards 4000+). Optional AW. Looking for good AQ players. Line app required.

    Alliance name: StarBrothers
    In-game name: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
  • Mister_HouseMister_House Member Posts: 39
    Add me @mister-house
    _Xmeout96 said:

    I’ve been an officer in an Alliance that has dwindled down in participation for months now. Been trying to hold them up but it’s getting exhausting.

    Just looking for an Alliance that can do Map 5 regularly and can obtain over 3.5k glory weekly. I use Discord and Line so either or is fine with me. Would prefer an optional War Ally because I’ve haven’t been doing Attacker/Defender rank ups lately but will eventually.

    All-in-all I’m very active and really want progress at a better rate with a new Alliance. I also have a couple friends that want to come with me so if anyone has more than 1 spot open that would be cool too.

    My IGN is Xmeout

  • RaiderbobRaiderbob Member Posts: 169
    You sound like a perfect fit for us.

    We run AQ 5/5/5 and looking for another officer. LINE ID is RaiderBob
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