Okay this is madness..

I've spent a lot of time grinding for gold and catalysts to rank up champions. For AQ AND AW... Now the guys I ranked up for defence get minced because the map is too easy and with diversity, I end up having to used 4/40 and 3/30 on defence... This drops my whole alliances defender rating since we all have to do this and also lets them 100% so easy and vice-versa...
This is affecting everyone, wars aren't about skill anymore, it's about whom has the most diverse and highest rated defence teams..
Losing a war by 100 points when everything is 100%, due to the other alliance having 2 more diverse defenders......
-"btw your defence team you built is now useless, please rank up spider gwen and LC and put her them defence for diversity points."
But then give us no way to rank down the guys that were once the best for defence.. 10 5/50 NC is now working against us..
I like it, make us use the champions we normally never would, awesome! but please give us rank down tickets....
I can't be the only one that has champions at 5/50 that I'm not even using anymore...
This is affecting everyone, wars aren't about skill anymore, it's about whom has the most diverse and highest rated defence teams..
Losing a war by 100 points when everything is 100%, due to the other alliance having 2 more diverse defenders......
-"btw your defence team you built is now useless, please rank up spider gwen and LC and put her them defence for diversity points."
But then give us no way to rank down the guys that were once the best for defence.. 10 5/50 NC is now working against us..
I like it, make us use the champions we normally never would, awesome! but please give us rank down tickets....
I can't be the only one that has champions at 5/50 that I'm not even using anymore...
This discussion has been closed.
Wasn’t this a nerf party? I mean would you EVER use a Spider-Man in questing? Maybe unduped because once Duped he’s a PAIN to use! Let’s not forget lackluster CWBP and MORDO who are defensive GODS but on offense they are more… nuisances to use.
And to all the poor saps who used MD specifically for war defense… what’s happening for them?
It's probably because this is an old complaint that's already been argued and reargued. Many people are using multiples of the god tier defenders to hopefully roadblock the other team from a boss kill. You can do that too unless you think they will kill him anyway. If you think they'll kill him anyway, then it shouldn't really matter if you put him there or spidergwen, right?
They aren't going to give rank down tickets because the whole point of this was to force us to rank up new people (which costs time and/or money). Why would they make a change that forces us to spend/grind in order to adjust if they were just going to let us upgrade them for free with RTDs?
Waiiiiit are you the ninja from global?
No. I do not post in global chat in-game
have a like.
We're going to continue to make more and more iterations until we hit this point.