More AQ Connection Issues Than Usual

I've been experiencing more connection issues than usual with starting AQ fights since the February update. I've chatted with alliance members and it seems to be a general consensus that every day this week people have been stuck on the loading screen. Upon force quitting, they come back to AQ with half health. I sat for 10 mins on the loading screen hoping something would happen to avoid losing my health.
Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Device Operating System: Android Version 12
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 33.3.1
Game Mode: Alliance Quest
Champions Affected: All
Active Boosts: No
Description of the Issue: When attempting to join AQ fights, it randomly has issues starting the fight and gets stuck on the load screen. I've sat on the load screen for up to 10 minutes with nothing happening. Upon restarting the app, I can enter into the fight but I lose half my health. This issue seems to happen randomly during AQ. The other day it was the first fight. Today it was the third fight. I noticed it started having this issue more frequently after the Feb update.
Screenshot or Video: I have a recording of the load screen spinning for 5 minutes but I don't think that would be helpful. If it is needed for proof or something let me know.
Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Device Operating System: Android Version 12
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 33.3.1
Game Mode: Alliance Quest
Champions Affected: All
Active Boosts: No
Description of the Issue: When attempting to join AQ fights, it randomly has issues starting the fight and gets stuck on the load screen. I've sat on the load screen for up to 10 minutes with nothing happening. Upon restarting the app, I can enter into the fight but I lose half my health. This issue seems to happen randomly during AQ. The other day it was the first fight. Today it was the third fight. I noticed it started having this issue more frequently after the Feb update.
Screenshot or Video: I have a recording of the load screen spinning for 5 minutes but I don't think that would be helpful. If it is needed for proof or something let me know.