Something isn’t right here

In our current war the opponent has all 10 attackers in war. They have 7 above tier 2. However 1 person is far right in paths 1-3, and 2 are in paths 8-9, path 7 appears to be cleared but the mini at the top is still there. How did a attackers get past him into tier2? I tried making a ticket it won’t work. I have a video showing the entire map and all champs. Can someone look into this asap. @Kabam Miike 

Edit: It can show defenders stil there and players have moved passed them. In reality those defenders are already dead.
But I’ll offer another possible scenario (if only 9 ppl have joined attack but you see all 10 paths explored in first section of map). Path 7 defenders might have been left empty. One of those 2 ppl on either 8 or 9 had initially taken path 7. And could go all the way to Mojo if no defenders. Then they used their UNDO move to go back and re-route onto either path 8 or 9 (which is where you see them now. The initial explore of 7 stays “explored” even after an UNDO.