Will Iceman ever be at least coldsnap/frostbite immune?

I love this character so much, but nowadays he is so useless. The obvious immunity he should have, the short coldsnap debuff... Just a tune up in some numbers would make him amazing imo
What do you think?
What do you think?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
But the immunity isn't "obvious".
I mean they changed Ghost Rider to be incinerate immune so keeping Ice Man not Cold Snap/Frost Bite immune, is just one of the biggest examples of Kabam trolling us....
And this is fiction. And there are plenty of fictional characters who are not immune to their own powers.
Anyone who has a good reason for him not being immune just wants to see the world burn.... GO BACK TO DC JOKER!!!!
In 2019 "cadence" of the champions were corrected, some champs could not parry reliably after their ending medium hit, For ex guillotine, ht, sym supreme etc..
Iceman was and is still effected by that bug. We cannot reliably parry after iceman's ending medium hit.
But Now I have a duped 6* iceman which I wanna r2 and have some fun with.
I didn't care bout iceman that time, nor do I currently (lol)
Just throwing the information out there for iceman lovers.
Besides, is totally possible that a character isn't immune to one type of fire, but is to other
Mcoc :- U sure bout that brotha
It's a shame those vocal about Iceman are ignoring Mephisto.
He's on fire: so, clearly he isn't immune to being put on fire (being Incinerated).
He doesn't take damage from it; gains free Power and Willpower healing.
Why would 'Immunity' be better?
Also: agree with the OP that Iceman needs a numbers adjustment and Coldsnap Immunity.