need aw gold 2 ally or higher. aq not too much focused.

Looking for aw gold2 or better ally running 3 battle groups. Not too much focused on aq.

6 r3s
4 r2s
Many r5s
Ign hardclaw82
Line Hardclaw82


  • Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Member Posts: 86

  • Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Member Posts: 86
    Joined an ally. Thx.
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    give us a look :) Thanks.

    looking for 1...a long time guy has been eaten up by real life.

    We are a group of moderate players who work together to maximize rewards. Most of us are old school players who just enjoy playing without all the AQ/AW pressure. We like to play with those who know and understand the game, and don't have a lot of patience for repeated shenanigans.

    We are looking for players with 9K prestige and have earned Cavalier status.

    AW: 2 BG's in season, 1-2 BG off season, and often run theme tanks in the off season for fun and levity. Last season we were G2, but sometimes are in the G3 or G1 range. Usually there is no/little item use in our war effort. 5 war minimum per season. This season we placed G2.

    AQ: 655, 655, 655, 655, 555 for 300+ mil weekly.

    500-750k, sometimes 1M SA weekly, small minimums just to help us weed out the deadwood.

    We use discord for group chat and are organized, this is mandatory for all ally members. You don't have to chat and be gabby, just call out routes, etc.

    Holler if this sounds good. We have had a stable roster for several months...come in and enjoy the laid back success.

    groundround#0363 in discord, Ground Round in line, Gound Round in game.

    Thanks :)
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Hey there - I think we would be a good fit for you. Well organized, very friendly, no toxicity or try-hards

    AQ we do mix of map 5 and6, scoring 320 millioin to get that sweet T5CC

    AW we are in Gold 1 in tier 5-7 with no pressure

    Our tag is 107SJ The Starjammers, prestige 10.6k

    If you're interested, reach out to KoiBoy18 on LINE - take care

  • RaiderbobRaiderbob Member Posts: 169
    Looks like you’ve got lots of attention on recruiting you 😁. I’ll be brief. We’re an old ally (one of the oldest) with a tight and solid core. We run 5/5/5 and 3bgs in war. Gold2 ally and highly organized

    Hit me up on LINE if you’re interested
    My ID is RaiderBob
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