The new war format is such a cash grab

I know it's been discussed before but even with the increased potency of the nodes it doesnt stop spenders from spending and takes skill completely out of the picture.

Your diversity seems very, very low though.
The outcome may have changed, it may not have because as long as there are no defender kills points, alliances will to drop big money will win.
If they full cleared your non-diverse group, then they couldn't have gotten any more points if you had worse defenders in. Only you would have gained points. You guys are missing thousands of points on diversity and it's costing you wars. You can control that; you can't control spenders. Fix what you can control first.
i'm just pointing out that your assertion is pretty shaky at best. you can't really use 109 deaths as evidence of it being a cash grab when that requires less than 20 members to have used 1 revive to achieve that number. you're just upset that you lost. let's not even talk about how you guys didn't take out all 3 bosses.
you guys lost and it had nothing to do with it being a spenders war, it had to do with a bad strategy. i don't care about convincing you. keep employing your strategy and see how that fairs, none of my business.
It's not Skill and not item use. It's determined by higher defense rating and diversity. It encourages buying the offers of catalysts and crystals. Players need higher level of all champions that were not previously upgraded. I am not against this idea, but I'd have liked either a few months warning or now since it's too late, rank down tickets to change my defense set up.
Listen, you can either play the game how it's designed or not play at all. you pick. but you don't get to complain about a loss when the opponent uses a better strategy. suck it up and move on
I guess he'd rather just flag you for explaining why he's wrong
just as well. i'd love to go up against that alliance in war. nothing better than easy shards.
Do what we do. After attack phase starts we trade diversity and defender PI rating. That way both side will know who will win if they 100%. Prevents item use and spending on an un-winnable war.
If we win then we will 100%. if we can't win then we just chill and don't spend any items since wasting items on an unwinnable war is not very smart.
Wow amazing guy! You are special!
If you honestly think the new war format is good then I'm confused. The core of this is that you can BUY your way to a win in a lot of scenarios and I'm not cool with that.
So, what prevents the other alliance from telling you they have a defender rating that is higher than what it actually is and what prevents the other alliance from telling you they have more diverse defenders than they actually do?