Zeabot bluestacks and other cheaters

I would like kabam to take a serious run at banning players that use these for 18m arena scores without playing so often. Maybe also go after these third party mods and hacks. Would be nice to not have to spend entire days to win a feature while someone who uses them plays maybe an hour or 2 a day.
Some of these guys have 5-6x R4/55 5stars.
and I dunno how many R5/50 4stars.
I have 80x 4stars,
15x of which are R5/50
22x of which are R4/40
balance all R3/30
They get me almost 900,000 per run
I got 16x 5stars
1 is R4/55
3 is R3/45
balance is R2/35
They give me almost 500,000 per run
18million is NOT unachievable and I'm not even near the top players in the game.
Almost ALL players in top 800 are grinders. I dunno about hacks or what, but the ones I know are all legitimate grinders
Best part? They grind more, get more champs, can grind some more.
If you cannot do it, do not assume other people hack
18mil is LAST PLACE Rank 800 sometimes.
1st place can go to almost 30mil sometimes, sometimes more.
Welcome to VETERAN Bracket
Completely agree, I did 23mil for Mephisto and wasn't playing non-stop, yes I used some units but not even 1500 worth I don't think.
Did about 20mil for Morningstar.
Very achievable but you do need free time, doesn't mean your whole world is arena for 3 days non stop