Is Role Reversal broken? AQ Map7

Device: Samsung S21U
Version: Latest
Mode: AW Map 7, Can't stop Won't stop, Role reversal
Damage output is not consistent to what Role reversal should do
This is footage from Mole Man fighting She-hulk
You can see decent damage output
This footage is from Dragon man dealing very low damage to Rhino
Is the node not working?
Tried to post images but I had a warning saying "You are not allowed to post attachments in this category. Please remove any attachments to proceed." When the rule forums explicitly says that I can do so... but W/E
Version: Latest
Mode: AW Map 7, Can't stop Won't stop, Role reversal
Damage output is not consistent to what Role reversal should do
This is footage from Mole Man fighting She-hulk
You can see decent damage output
This footage is from Dragon man dealing very low damage to Rhino
Is the node not working?
Tried to post images but I had a warning saying "You are not allowed to post attachments in this category. Please remove any attachments to proceed." When the rule forums explicitly says that I can do so... but W/E