Thronebreaker at Level 53
Since the game has been so dry lately, I decided to take my gifting alt account seriously and have had a ton of fun with it. I got Cav a little before the gifting event started and had some pretty good luck along the way and got 75% of a Mutant t5cc. Thanks to the romance store, I got the materials (mostly ISO) I needed to r5 Nebs and Doom and pushed my way through 6.4. Last week I finished 7.1 and got the last 25% of mutant t5cc I needed to r3 my Emma Frost. Today, I finally got enough iso to finish leveling her to 2/35 so I could r3 her.
Of course, this account isn’t FTP, I bought the sigil for this month just to get the inventory space needed to r3 Emma. Other than spending ten dollars on the what if nexus cavs, I spent no money progressing the roster or going through content.