AA is having his bleed ability accuracy reduced by Cap Falcon’s armor ups which shouldn’t be happening since he’s immune to having his ability accuracy reduced
Kinda hard to call this out on his bleeds as critical hits only have a 40% chance to bleed and heavies only have a 50% chance to bleed. You could just be getting really unlucky
I’ve noticed this too. I tried it in practice mode, and on a sp3 only the poison and stun applied. The bleed also has a 100% chance to apply. I thought it was the concussion node messing with AA, even though he should be immune. But their interaction is definetly bugged.
Kinda hard to call this out on his bleeds as critical hits only have a 40% chance to bleed and heavies only have a 50% chance to bleed. You could just be getting really unlucky
I don’t know the exact math, but since each of the three hits of his heavy have a 50% chance to inflict bleed, the odds of going an entire fight without triggering at least one are far lower than the odds of the interaction being bugged.
His AA cant be reduces by abilities of other champions..nodes arent abilities of other champions
If he has chance to apply bleed and defender prevents it with his own abilities which arent immunity based then it is a bug
That’s just wrong. Nodes are defender abilities. Also, the bugged interaction is occurring because of Cap Falcon’s base kit in which his armor up buffs are reducing AA’s bleed accuracy as is stated in my original post.
Do you think quake should prevent nodes from triggering or is she bugged right now ?