2LOKI is recruiting - AQ map 8 top 45 - Plat 2/3 - Looking for over 13.5K Prestige

SayfasiSayfasi Member Posts: 89
We are looking for 2/3 people to replace existing members that are either retiring or that cannot keep up with the prestige race. We are an AQ focused alliance, we run map 8 in AQ, and finish in the top 45 most weeks (unfortunately not every week which is why we have to replace a couple low prestige members). We run 3 BGs in AW, but are not AW focused (tier 2/3 wars and finish P2/3). We are looking for players that are active and communicate. We do not want to be constantly tagging you in Line chat to get you to join and move.

More details:
*13.5k Prestige
*We run 3 full BGs for AQ/AW
*Adults only (Over 18)
*We are primarily US-based players

Interested, contact us on Line, in game, or on here.

Line ID: Sayfasi
In game: Sayfasi
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