Input Issues

Everyone is having horrible input issues right? Game is pretty much unplayable for me.
Also, I'm not currently in an alliance, will I be getting any sort of compensation?
Also, I'm not currently in an alliance, will I be getting any sort of compensation?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Miui (latest version)
You can see around the 20 second mark, I was trying to dash back and kingpin just froze there. Resist saved me. I don't know if it's clear enough, this is the best I could replicate.
Also, might be a dumb question but can anyone point out why kingpin didn't purify the first stun? I'm running the hood synergy, and it's happening on every fight. Is there a mechanic I'm overlooking?
iPhone XR, iOS 14.71
Parry timing is very early, dex unreliable and specials inputs fail about once a fight. Most confounding is frame rate “slow down” during fights.
Glad everyone else is having a clean gaming experience.
13 Pro Max, current iOS, WiFi and cell. Currently experiencing in Cav EQ 3.2
But sure—Bugs and Issues is a good spot to disappear it.
Dr. Zola
Sure, alliance war is the most affected.
Maybe we could have a primer on connection basics where someone from the game team touches on the types of things that could improve your gaming experience. For example: all notifications off, WiFi+airplane mode or just WiFi, VPN on/off, reinstall game, close all active apps yes/no, frame rate settings (where applicable), etc.
Not being cheeky or picking on you—but I’ve pulled my hair out trying to get more consistent results (cf. threads with @DNA3000 about possible issues including running speedtest to gauge connectivity problems). For me and likely for others, it would be helpful to have in one place the handful of suggestions the team has to address and reduce player-side issues.
I’m not asking for device specific pointers—that’s well beyond the scope. But it would be useful to know what baseline set of settings would tend to *generally* produce a reliable environment for MCoC to perform.
Dr. Zola
It's only been starting up in the last few days so idk if kabam pushed a fix or something.
Running pixel 3a with latest version of the game.
The input issues have got more and less frequent at random for me.
I think this issue needs to be addressed immediately
I don't think it is solely attributable to my device though because it can happen as soon as I open the game all the way through it having been open for hours and same with a fresh restart of my phone or anytime in between not having restarted my phone for days.
A missed parry every once in a while I accept as my fault but not 5+ in a single fight and then additional fights after that too.
Also, the lag and loading times are varying wildly with the same descriptions of amount of time the game and/or phone has been up as described above.