Alliance War enlistment bug

RicoShayRicoShay Member Posts: 255 ★★★
Alliance war season starts today and a very unwelcome sight to see is "matchmaking in progress" "your alliance did not enlist..." despite enlisting yesterday after rearranging the Battlegroups. I believe this bug affected multiple alliances last season and the community was told of a fix but as of now, my alliance is not considered to be enlisted in the first war of season. I know with 110% certainty that I signed up and enlisted because I'm a new AW planner in our alliance which means I'm overthinking everything to the point that war 1 must go perfectly and that I had our previous AW planning officer check that we were enlisted to which I received confirmation that we were. Really disappointed that this "bug" has caused season 32 to start poorly


  • RicoShayRicoShay Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    Update: only the officers of the alliance were unable to place and see if we had enlisted. I have been updated by another ally member who isn't an officer that we in fact have been enlisted and the placement phase is open. Still this has caused several placements by officers to be delayed by hours which isn't the start we wanted for the season.
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