Buff program 4 months( revised after being taken down)

I'm just curious what happened in a 4 month period that you were only able to give gully a 1% buff and psycho man a low value add? Are you working on VFX? Did carinas challenge take up a lot of time? Did 7.4 take up your resources? I think this was not expected.
How did this happen considering we were so patient and understanding? It disappoints me so much because it's one of the few things that keeps me going within the game.
I'm just curious what happened in a 4 month period that you were only able to give gully a 1% buff and psycho man a low value add? Are you working on VFX? Did carinas challenge take up a lot of time? Did 7.4 take up your resources? I think this was not expected.
How did this happen considering we were so patient and understanding? It disappoints me so much because it's one of the few things that keeps me going within the game.