ROL Wolverine vs carina’s aegon

So I’ve been fighting wolverine for 40 minutes now and the guy is still at 100% hp, I’ve done a cumulative 2000 hits in him and every time I take him to 20 ish % hp he double or triple regens and makes my time useless.
If I’m it mistaken, aegon has aar so…. What gives kabam??? I’ve wasted almost an hour of my day on ONE fight and for the life of me I’m out of patience and ideas as to how can I take him down. Is it just…. Hit until you miraculously don’t proc his regen ever? Cause the lack of aar is seriously killing my resources, my time, and my patience. If anyone has any tips please help me out I’d very much appreciate it
If I’m it mistaken, aegon has aar so…. What gives kabam??? I’ve wasted almost an hour of my day on ONE fight and for the life of me I’m out of patience and ideas as to how can I take him down. Is it just…. Hit until you miraculously don’t proc his regen ever? Cause the lack of aar is seriously killing my resources, my time, and my patience. If anyone has any tips please help me out I’d very much appreciate it