Another dull month

What’s everyone’s opinion on this months EQ and SQ? Think both are pretty disappointing. The cavalier difficulty seems like a hastily put together attempt at trying to blend class and hashtag maps. The side quest looks to have pretty weak rewards and isn’t really enjoyable. Wish they’d quit giving out crystal shards that result in constantly pulling 3 or 4 star champions.
5*s- Mojo, Nebula, Nimrod, Jabari Panther, Elsa, Rhino, Luke Cage.
6*s- Stryfe, Storm Px, Hulk.
For someone with only two 5/55 5*s and a couple of 6*s, It's game changing.
In before the highly unoriginal and unimaginative 'well, you Cavaliers don't need content, you can go and do 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4' comment...
well, you Cavaliers don't need content, you can go and do 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
Level and quality of rewards yes, but all Summoners should have content playable for their progression level. But, as I said, it's good for Thronebreakers this month and hopefully something that those Summoners can get their teeth into.
Buffs are stagnant to none existent OR they buff the same champ 3 times (which makes no sense).
Content they promised is missing with 0 communication as to why.
Game mechanics are still haywire.
No Mastery 2.0
No wish crystal
The list goes on. All could be smoothed over with a little transparency.
2) SQ is literally two short paths per week and while the rewards could be much better, they are still decent-ish.
3) Carina Challenges V2. came out and each and every one of those challenges are "actual" challenges that don't sink into the realm of a revive-fest and have some amazing rewards.
4) 7.4 is going to be released and even though paradox paths are generally considered annoying by most of us, act 7 overall is still some of the best content ever released for many and 7.4 doesn't seem to be any different.
We also might be getting our first tastes of the new solo competitive mode later this month. This month is anything but dull. People really be grasping at straws to complain.
9 new Carina's challenge objectives
The final chapter of act 7
Side quest + stack of themed objectives
what more do you want?
This is literally the first time I can actually play the new Act chapter day 1.
Every other time I was stuck in 6.3 lol.